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    Electricity: The Food Security Law provided an allocation for Iranian gas dues

    Admin Assist
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    Electricity: The Food Security Law provided an allocation for Iranian gas dues Empty Electricity: The Food Security Law provided an allocation for Iranian gas dues

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Apr 2022, 5:01 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Electricity: The Food Security Law provided an allocation for Iranian gas dues[/size]

    [size=45]The Ministry of Electricity stated that the allocations of the Emergency Support and Food Security Law were limited to the payment of Iranian gas dues, pointing out that it was counting on its inclusion of sums to support distribution networks and transmission lines and the installation of a cooling system for power plants in order to increase their efficiency during the summer.[/size]
    [size=45]The ministry's spokesman, Ahmed Moussa, said, "The Minister of Electricity, Adel Karim, recently met with the Finance Committee in Parliament, and put them among the challenges and obstacles facing the electricity sector in order to address them."[/size]
    [size=45]Moussa added, "The Finance Committee is concerned today with providing support to the Ministry of Electricity, and we have reviewed with it all the plans that are being implemented, whether they are strategic or emergency."[/size]
    [size=45]He pointed out that "the meeting also discussed the draft food security law, which includes sums to pay dues for gas, the previous and subsequent supplier."[/size]
    [size=45]Moussa pointed out that "the need still exists to use the supplied gas to maintain the momentum of the work of the power stations, and without it, the electricity system cannot be stable, especially as we are approaching the summer season."[/size]
    [size=45]And he indicated, "The ministry was counting on further levels, although the interest was clear from the Chairman of the Finance Committee Hassan Al-Kaabi and the rest of the members, because we need funds to complete maintenance and purchase equipment and spare parts for distribution companies, in the absence of a budget law."[/size]
    [size=45]Moussa explained, "What was reviewed by the committee, we found that the provision for the payment of dues for the supplied gas, which is necessary, but we were counting on the existence of funds for maintenance, strengthening the distribution networks, and completing the transmission lines, even if we had started with these issues."[/size]
    [size=45]And he added, "The absence of a budget and recourse to the application of the Federal Financial Management Law by allocating monthly amounts on the basis of the previous budget is not sufficient for a ministry the size of the Ministry of Electricity."[/size]
    [size=45]Moussa continues, "The ministry notified the government that we will be given the allocations in the form of advances for the next six months in order to control the electrical plan," noting that "there are efforts undertaken by the ministry represented in increasing production rates, releasing bottlenecks and introducing transmission lines."[/size]
    [size=45]He continues, "One of the strategic plans that we are working on is the introduction of combined cycles in all stations so that they do not need gas or fuel again, but rely on the heat of the generating units, and this mechanism is inexpensive and environmentally friendly and gives impetus in addition to the national system."[/size]
    [size=45]Moussa said, "The ministry was waiting for the introduction of cooling systems for the stations to overcome the decrease in efficiency in the summer temperatures, and with the presence of these systems, we will get additional support."[/size]
    [size=45]Moussa went on to say, "The Parliamentary Finance Committee asked us for schedules for the determinants of work, other than those presented at the meeting. We will work to present them today, Sunday."[/size]
    [size=45]The Finance Committee had stressed the necessity of legislating the Emergency Support and Food Security Law sent by the government, but it spoke of its intention to make major amendments to its texts.[/size]
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