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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Othman: choose the ministers of defense and interior will be the decision of the American

    Admin Assist
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    Othman: choose the ministers of defense and interior will be the decision of the American Empty Othman: choose the ministers of defense and interior will be the decision of the American

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 Sep 2014, 12:51 pm

    Othman: choose the ministers of defense and interior will be the decision of the American
    14-09-2014 02:31 PM
    Free -

    The leader of the coalition of Kurdish blocs independent MP in the previous parliament, Mahmoud Othman: 'The American influence on the prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi will be present in the naming of the ministers of defense and interior.' 
    Othman added in a statement 'that the United States formed an alliance internationally against al Daash terrorist to eliminate it, Iraqi authorities informed that Iraq is an important part in the process of responding to this organization, and therefore want to be a minister gung close orientations, to be coordinated with them in the war against Daash '. 
    said in a statement told the National Iraqi News / Nina /: 'The United States is concerned with the stability of Iraq Even before the formation of the international coalition, according to the security agreement (the strategic framework) and therefore, the Americans have a say in the names of the security minister. " 
    Othman said 'that relations between Iran and the United States, pass a truce is declared, so that less hostility between them what was the hostility between Bush Ahmadinejad ', pointing out' that the Americans are trying not to be the militias in Iraq, the role, but did not take a serious decision in this direction, because this Alamervi perception 'for the Iraqis'. 
    linking Osman how successful Abadi its mission and implement its program Ministerial, with the assistance and cooperation of the political blocs with him , with Abadi avoid mistakes of the past, pointing out 'that Abadi current trends suggest' that he wants to resolve the outstanding problems with everyone, because it is, without resolving, will be successful as prime minister. '

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