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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A delegation from the region is visiting Baghdad today for two important reasons

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    A delegation from the region is visiting Baghdad today for two important reasons Empty A delegation from the region is visiting Baghdad today for two important reasons

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 Mar 2023, 6:13 am

    A delegation from the region is visiting Baghdad today for two important reasons
    • Time: 03/26/2023 12:21:05
    • Read: 988 times

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    {Politics: Al Furat News} A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government is visiting the capital, Baghdad, today, Sunday.
    A member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Wafaa Muhammad Karim, told Al-Furat News agency, "A government oil technical delegation from the region will visit Baghdad today and meet with the Ministry of Oil against the background of the Paris court's decision to stop the export of the region's oil through the Turkish port of Ceyhan without the knowledge and approval of Baghdad on the matter." ".
    He added, "This visit includes discussing the draft oil and gas law and collecting Iraq's oil in one basket."
    And the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced yesterday, Saturday, that the decision of the International Commercial Arbitration Court in Paris "will not hinder our relations" with the federal government in Baghdad, which announced earlier that it had won a legal case in the case of exporting oil from the region via Turkey. 
    And the Ministry of Wealth stated in a statement that "the decision of the French court in favor of the Iraqi government against Turkey will not hinder our relations with the Baghdad government," pointing out that "  
    She added that "the Kurdistan Regional Government has conducted, in recent months, continuous dialogues and negotiations with the federal government, the latest of which was on the budget and oil and gas files," stressing that "the Kurdistan Regional Government has its firm position not to give up the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan people."
    The Federal Ministry of Oil said in a statement that the final decision was issued by the arbitral tribunal of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris in favor of Iraq, on Thursday.
    The statement added, "The case was filed by Iraq against Turkey for violating the provisions of the Iraqi-Turkish pipeline agreement signed in 1973, which stipulates that the Turkish government must comply with the instructions of the Iraqi side regarding the movement of exported crude oil to all storage and disposal centers and the final station."
    She also said that Iraq will discuss with the concerned authorities ways to ensure the continuation of oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan and the obligations of state-owned SOMO with oil companies.
    Reuters reported that the ruling, which ordered Turkey to pay about $1.5 billion to Iraq before interest, covers the period between 2014 and 2018, according to a source familiar with the case who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
    HKN Energy, which operates in the region and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, said in a letter it sent to members of the US House of Representatives last year that stopping exports through the pipeline would lead to the collapse of the economy of the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

    Raghad Daham
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