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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Investment Authority confirms the existence of foreign competition to implement projects in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Investment Authority confirms the existence of foreign competition to implement projects in Iraq Empty The Investment Authority confirms the existence of foreign competition to implement projects in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Sep 2023, 2:56 pm

    [size=52]The Investment Authority confirms the existence of foreign competition to implement [/size]
    [size=52]projects in Iraq[/size]

    • Today 22:30

    Information / Baghdad...
    The National Investment Authority confirmed, on Monday, the competition of foreign companies among themselves to implement projects in Iraq in various sectors
    The authority stated in a statement, received by Al-Maalouma, that it "hosted a meeting of the joint Iraqi-Qatari committee and discussed proposals and requirements related to the local entities and institutions participating in the committee to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Qatari side."
    The statement added, "The meeting witnessed the presentation of a number of visions and proposals by the participants to enhance economic and financial cooperation between the two countries, raise the level of joint investments, exchange experiences and educational programs, and increase the number of grants and missions, as well as strengthening cooperation in the field of health, environment, solar energy, oil and gas, and contributing to the field of infrastructure." Infrastructure, construction and development of road projects and residential and tourist complexes.”
    Deputy Chairman of the Investment Authority, Salar Muhammad Amin, confirmed, according to the statement, that “Iraq is witnessing international and regional demand due to the stability of the political and security situation, and it possesses many capabilities that make it an attractive area for capital and investors.”
    He pointed out that "investment projects in Iraq are also witnessing a state of competition for their implementation by investment companies in all sectors." Ended 25 n

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