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    IMF likely to lend Iraq $ 15 billion over three years

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    IMF likely to lend Iraq $ 15 billion over three years Empty IMF likely to lend Iraq $ 15 billion over three years

    Post by Rocky Thu 31 Mar 2016, 3:48 am

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    IMF likely to lend Iraq $ 15 billion over three years

     Baghdad / Hamid Ahmed 

     He favored the International Monetary Fund, The International Monetary Fund, thepossibility of approval to lend Iraq $ 15 billion over three years, through June. While between that will provide five billion of them to believe the rest of other financial institutions and donors, he stressed that Iraq will receive five billion during the current 2016, and therest at the end of the agreement period. 
    The head of the IMF mission in Iraq (IMF), Christian Gooch, in remarks media, followed up (range Press), " the Fund has agreed to lend Iraq $ 15 billion over three years, under the Stand -by Agreement" standby arrangements SBA with him, over the next June , "adding that" the two sides will hold round of talks on thesubject, in Washington DC, during the next April. " 
    He added Gooch," the fund will provide one - third of the amount of funding, $ 15 billion, to secure the rest from other financial institutions and donors, including the World Bank, the Arab Gulf states, the United States and the Group of seven industrialized nations G7 ", expressing his belief that" the Fund if they agreed with Iraq in the Washington meeting, it is possible to raise the loan agreement to fund body, for approval in June. "
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