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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Security concerns and political pay citizens to withdraw their deposits from banks Iraqi civil

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Security concerns and political pay citizens to withdraw their deposits from banks Iraqi civil Empty Security concerns and political pay citizens to withdraw their deposits from banks Iraqi civil

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 02 Jun 2013, 5:19 pm

    Security concerns and political pay citizens to withdraw their deposits from banks Iraqi civil

    Sunday, June 2, 2013 16:00

    News / experts agreed in the economy and specialists bankers that the
    deteriorating security situation and the worsening political crisis
    between the political parties were behind the failure of the Iraqi
    citizen of the deposit money in banks and dragging it to the deposited
    earlier, according to the announcement by a group of private banks,
    which reflected negatively on the work of banks .

    The head of the
    Media Center Iraq's economic Dergham Mohammed Ali said the withdrawal
    of funds from banks due to a lack of trust of the Iraqi citizen and
    which started shaking in some private banks, in the absence of a clear
    guarantees from the Iraqi Central Bank on the doomed, because of the
    confusion that accompanied the lack of clarity of fate bank depositors'
    money in Basra and Warka.

    Ali said according to a report of the
    island seen by "Twilight News" that the Iraqi citizens began creeping
    toward the government banks to the presence of collateral where their
    money deposited, in addition to the continuing deterioration in the
    exchange rate of the local currency against the dollar making the latter
    more attractive as a store of value for savers, which poses strongly
    the use of local currency deposited with banks to buy gold or the dollar
    store instead of deposits with banks, which may not be an interest rate
    equivalent to lose money from the value of a year with increased rates
    of inflation and instability in the currency market.

    For his part, a leading economist said Hashemi The economic axioms fixed capital seeking to reduce the element of risk.

    added that the political crisis in the country and the accompanying
    given the security situation reduces the confidence of citizens in the
    development of money banks and private civil فيسارع to withdraw his
    savings with every crisis strong ravaging the country fearing for their
    loss, especially at a time spread the corruption and weakened the legal

    He explained Hashemi that there are many things made
    a citizen withdraw their money from banks, as has become customary that
    people hear that a senior official or employee with a high degree
    convicted in a corruption case are large and the issuance of judgment
    against him and then بهروبه outside the country, later his money stolen
    by the staple food of the people, and these things contribute to the
    lack of contentment citizen for the survival of their money in banks.

    pointed out that the withdrawal of funds reduces the mass of cash in
    the bank and affect its ability to continue to meet its internal and
    external financial and private projects and large investments, leading
    to delay the execution because every delay in financial obligations
    offset by delays in implementation.

    For his part, the President
    of the Union of businessmen willing satisfaction Blibl in an interview
    with the island revealed that the deteriorating security situation
    recently and the increasing differences between the political blocs,
    reflected negatively on the public life of the country, and in
    particular on the work of banks, which have not kept pace with the
    evolution after 2003 and the opening of Iraq to the world.

    stressed that the Iraqi citizen has no desire to withdraw money from
    banks because it is considered a safety valve to him because of the
    instability of the security situation and fear of exposure to theft in
    homes, noting that Iraq has now 43 waged, banks and state banks 6.

    added that the Iraqi dinar in the case of confusion against the dollar,
    which reflected negatively on the work of banks, and this shows the
    weakness of the state policy in dealing with this situation, and called
    on the Iraqi Association of Banks sector employees to develop training

    A member of the Economic Committee House of
    Representatives Salman al-Moussawi said in an interview for the island
    revealed that the decline in the security situation and the worsening
    political crisis between the political parties, leading to the
    obstruction of the process of building the economy and paralysis of the
    Iraqi state, and thus affect the private banks that do not live up its
    work to the level of ambition.

    He added that the withdrawal of
    funds from private banks rumor has left some of the enemies of the
    economic process in Iraq in order to paralyze those banks, which affects
    the operation of the market in general, calling on the Iraqi government
    to support private banks and mandated deposit funds and institutions to
    open current accounts.

    He stressed that the work of Iraqi banks
    at the moment is acceptable, but not the level of ambition, because of
    the general situation taking place in the country since 2003.

    P r / c

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