BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq revealed a spokesman for the Parliamentary Integrity Committee "Adel Noori", during an interview with reporters, for possession of evidence and facts condemns Jaafari several corruption cases, including the relatives of his appointment, van Gogh in theministry, who did not have any efficiency, in addition to financial corruption includes do they sell buildings embassies amounts ascetic, and then buying it back again the biggest Bktar.utaba Nouri amounts, to talk about the outcome of the case of the Foreign Ministry, to emphasize, that al -Jaafari may sow corruption in the institutions represented Iraq officially, to the degree that began insulting immunity diplomatic enjoyed by these people, stressing, "that Iraq 's ambassadors, go out at night from the bars Mturnhan, then the faint of them in the streets of sugar severity of the police to take them back to the premises of embassies". As also revealed, for the transformation of some ofIraqi embassies, to private homes for families, where the working staff of the ambassador and his relatives family composed, and who are , in turn , relatives or acquaintances to Jaafari, adding that by saying , "I think the time has come for Jaafari leaves office," referring to the near withdraw confidence from across Alastjawab.ajdr be noted, that the integrity Committee I decided tointerrogate al - Jaafari, and accountability for the controversy over his handling of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs , in addition to the Minister of Health and Minister of Electricity, where Al - Nouri said that he will be a personal effort to prove the corruption of al - Jaafari and withdraw confidencefrom him from office.