Baghdad / Iraq News Network confirmed to the Security and Defense Committee in the House of Representatives member Majed al - Gharawi, Wednesday, that the non - proliferation of weapons will initiate the beginning of the new legislative term of the law, noting that the parliament will hold its first session on the tenth of the month Alhala.oukal Ghraoui in a press statement today: " the security and defense committee has the task of law in the new legislative term, including Nonproliferation Act , " pointing out that "this law was supposed to be voted on before the vote on the federal budget law . " he added that "unlike happened on some formulations legal law by some lawmakers and the legal Committee, and we completed these differences , "referring to" the existence of other laws related to the security situation will be put forward in parliament as a law of security companies . "He pointed out that" the rest of the committees have hung in regards to health, agriculture and all the legislation that laws concern citizen 's life that would strengthen law and order in the next phase , "stressing that" the House of Representatives held its first session after the legislative recess end of the tenth day of this month. "