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    Iraq needs an advisory council for the development of economic policies

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Iraq needs an advisory council for the development of economic policies Empty Iraq needs an advisory council for the development of economic policies

    Post by day dreamer Sat 20 Jul 2013, 5:26 pm

    Iraq needs an advisory council for the development of economic policies

     07/21/2013 12:00 AM

    Includes international experts from countries successful experiences
     BAGHDAD - Hussein ثغب of Tamimi
     Suggested an economic advisor to Mjelbs National Business Iraqi formation of an advisory board top is developing the economic policies of the country in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation featuring international experts who succeeded their countries, which resembled a country's circumstances and Amkanth economic, pointing out that the situation in Iraq is unlikely plans inaccurate, and must adopt expertise and consulting International in this regard.
    The chancellor said Daoud Abdel Zair in answering a question (morning) on ​​the ratios low in the implementation of the plans set for the country that planning is the lifeblood of economic development in all countries of the developed world, for its active role in determining the development paths across invest the money in accordance with the requirements of cities and regions and the high level of transparency leads to achieve effective and integrated projects contained in the plan stomach whether short, medium or long term.
    He pointed out that the local economy needs to develop detailed planning and Aalah the great significance, pointing out that the country's huge budget and need international experience to manage the planning process governing projects paths according to the actual need of cities and the local economy.

    International experts
     He stressed the importance of the formation of an advisory council top of the economic policy of the country Baltsik with the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, is managed by international experts in countries with successful experiences, indicating the importance of this step where adoption experts in the countries succeeded in the sectors we did not achieve success where, stressing the importance that there is coordination between the Council and the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation to invest financial resources properly, which serves the country's economy and citizens.

    Transfer of international experiences
     He could be heading towards countries succeeded in activating and development of economic sectors and services, where they can benefit from the experience of Malaysia as well as South Korea's first in the construction and reconstruction and the second in the process of setting up the highways, and other countries all in the sector who specialize in it, pointing to the possibility of the use of the team in those countries to invest to serve the sector concerned.

    Unforeseen losses
     He pointed out that the country is cut off from the world for a long time seen through planning a major development we desperately need to acquire such developments to make up for what we missed, indicating that the electricity sector, for example, needs a planning process on a global level, and here comes the role of the careful planning that takes into account the location of stations Fuel Type near the site, as are the study of wind direction and type and the type of soil and environmental effects, pointing out that relying on generators civil longer unforeseen economic loss.

    Bound plans issued by the Council
     He pointed out that large sums of money being spent should be included in plans obligation issued by the proposed council, because the country exceeded the budget of 113 billion dollars needed to expand into the experiences of planning that must be placed in accordance with rigorous studies. Which requires international planning competencies that contribute actively to create real projects on the ground in harmony and life requirements.

    International universities
     He said that proper planning must return economic life through activation of agricultural production, for example, and building and construction sector and other vital areas, and can take advantage of international experiences in this field. Zair suggested that there is a tendency to view the five-year plan by international experts or international universities specialized scrutiny before approval, noting that this measure comes to the purpose of creating a real economic sectors play a role as citizen who serves in all disciplines, without exception.

    Kurdistan experience
     He pointed to the importance of benefiting from the experience of Kurdistan in the field of investment and employment as well as planning, because there are successes achieved in this experiment, which is as close as possible and within the country, and between that work during the coming period must walking directions serve the country's economy, and that by bypassing the mistakes of the previous stage country which carried a heavy load because of lack of adoption plans promote successful economy, both production and service.

    Communicate with the world
     He said that the trend towards international expertise is adopted by most regional countries and achieved great success, with the adoption of international experience in the detailed a high degree of civil first in the field of planning and choose the best of plans that suit the reality of work in the country concerned, and here can Nacher successes great for those states, and the second joint training of local talent at the hands of international experts and industry here can experience local and international specifications so they can achieve economic feasibility and multiply and reach out to the planning and implementation in global specifications. Then after that you are relying on local expertise with qualifying fee policy communicate with the world to stand up when the global developments in this area.

    Gain experience
     He concluded Zair saying: that communication with the world is extremely important, especially in the field of scholarship that should be the best edifices Science International, which could supply the country with a wealth of human اتختلف from their counterparts in the world, stressing that this approach would work to bring attention the world towards the Iraqi experience that could gain new and evolving better than others, especially as the country in dire need of such work would bring the economic viability of all sectors and develop the production of the various joints, as well as the services sector, which suffers is the other obvious flaw.

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