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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President


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    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Empty Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President

    Post by Lobo Wed 15 Feb 2017, 5:00 pm

    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Obama With Treason: Dana Boente: “No one is above the law.”Lou Dobbs its sedition :Berkeley riots May have been ordered by President Obama himself.”

    Posted by admin1


    US District Attorney Dana Boente: “No one is above the law.”
    Dana James Boente is the second in the line of succession to be the Attorney General of the United States under a February 9, 2017 Executive Order signed by President Donald Trump; and that reversed  an Executive Order signed by President Barack Obama, seven days before he left office, that changed the order of succession, without explanation, to remove Boente from the list Wikipedia
    Would US District Attorney Dana Boente be Trumps special prosecutor he promised against Hillary during the Presidential debates?
    Remember Hillary said to Obama if I Go down you all go down. Yes all the rats are in one Barrel we just need the right person to pour in the gasoline and set it on fire.
    With President Obama immediately upon leaving office establishing a private website and proclaiming on it that
    I won’t stop; in fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my days that remain.”,
    Its obvious to even laymen to deduce that  “The Berkeley riots May have been ordered by President Obama himself.”
    There is enough evidence for the FBI to implicate Obama for Sedition and treason but behind the scenes there is fierce debate over the fall out including worrying about traitors at all levels of government if action was taken against the Agitator in chief.
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Trump-Obama-Sabotage
    Much  concerns have been raised due to his gathering around him an army of agitators” (numbering more than 30,000) who he commands from a bunker less than two-blocks from the White House.
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President The-devil-within-banner
    “Barack Obama, who many claim will be creating a shadow government to frustrate the policy goals of this administration, we’re looking at something that’s coming very close to, it seems to me, sedition,” Lou Dobbs revealed.
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Oaoa1
    Most chilling, though, of President Obama’s “army of agitators”,  is that
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Maxresdefault

    they are “gearing up for battle” with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country and have also begun militant actions, and planning, with other leftist groups attempting to destroy President Trump too.

    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Anger-The-devil-within
    Why is this happening?
    We are seeing the death of Old crumbling institutions. The rats are backed into a corner scared, angry and very very vicious.
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President 12765808_f1024
    The democrats know that they will no longer ever again have the power they have enjoyed because the public is now aware of the voter fraud and the man America elected President will not let it continue.
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Dishonored-rats

    “Obama’s bunker that’s set two miles away from the White House. Everything points out to the fact that Obama pushes liberals and democrats into dark opposition, making them block his orders. Is this a treason “

    Trump To Launch “Major Investigation Into Voter Fraud”
    This means that the Democrats who counted on the fraudulent voting machines and millions of dead voters voting for them in multiple states are dead ducks politically. So what is left for the communist democrat party?
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Soros-voting-machines-800x416

    “The FBI have investigation files proving Obama’s links to these radical leftist groups plotting the overthrow of President Trump and the US government,”

    The latest evidence was just enough for experts to understand Obama’s plans to support immigrants and form a shadow government. What’s his final goal? Keep himself inside the government Indirectly.Usurp the government with dirty tricks and violent protests.
    Voter Fraud Proof:18 Million Invalid & 2 Million Dead Registration.
    One Of the radical leftist groups Obama’s OFA Organization for action or should we call them  “army of agitators” have begun militant action planning already
    For example in Berkeley, California, an organization called BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) that State of Michigan law-enforcement officials have labeled as a potential terrorist group.  Which is a prototype  Obama will spearhead throughout the United states were on “full display” this at the University of California Berkeley when their black-clad well-rehearsed” militants “came in a military fashion
    Usually there are around 400 of these well trained vicious violent agitators to small protests their MO is to outnumber and beat up the opposition who were sent Allegedly by Obama to stop a speech being given by the conservative British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos—and when police authorities were ordered to “stand down, caused $100,000 in damage—and to which their “leader”, Yvette Felarca, said she had “no regrets” over the terror and chaos caused adding that “the left has been far too timid for way too long. Indicating this will change an more violent protests are on the way.Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Dr-evil
    If this wasnt coordinated by a central command and control center why were the police ordered to stand down? Who had the power and foreknowledge to do and order them to do this?Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Shadow-government
    as reported by the new york post
    Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory. Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots
    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Hqdefault

    “Obama may have in fact coordinated Berkeley riots.”

    Most concerning about these radical leftist militant actions to US Attorney Boente and law enforcement throughout the land is that the FBI’s investigation into this Berkeley riot, and the FBI investigation into Berkeley’s mayor ordering his police forces to stand down, revealed that BAMN had coordinated their attacks with Obama’s OFA Oakland, California, office—and may have, in fact, been ordered by President Obama himself.
    Even more disturbing about Obama’s OFA radical leftist affiliations then Berkeley,  is their partnering with a group called Knights for Socialism that has begun teaching children to chant “Kill Trump” while bashing with baseball bats effigies of America’s new president.
    US District Attorney Boente is allegedly behind the scenes advocating that a grand jury be impaneled to charge the former president with treason—
    This may not happen because  experts warn if that should occur, it could, most assuredly, plunge the United States into open civil warfare followed quickly by martial law.
    We are at an impasse and what happens in the next few months will shape Americas future.
    What Is Martial Law And How Does It Work? - video

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    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Empty Re: Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President

    Post by Screwball Wed 15 Feb 2017, 5:57 pm

    It's the rule of one is above the law..
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Empty Re: Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President

    Post by fonz1951 Wed 15 Feb 2017, 9:47 pm

    one can only hope, and this one certainly does. i would love to see that scumbag put in prison along with hitlary

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