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    Economic Parliament holds the government responsible for delay legislation

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    Economic Parliament holds the government responsible for delay legislation  Empty Economic Parliament holds the government responsible for delay legislation

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Jul 2013, 7:42 pm

    Economic Parliament holds the government responsible for delay legislation

    July 21, 2013

    Retirees claim to base their law of the supplementary budget and the oil spreads

    BAGHDAD - Shaima Adel

     Prime Humane Society for retirees Abdolreza Xiaa diaper Ministry of Finance to provide the amounts pension law new differences speculative and real oil prices or the supplementary budget for the current year, as demanded Economic Commission Parliamentary Council of Ministers to speed up issuing a law for its importance in achieving justice for a slice of retirees.

    The diaper (time) yesterday that the (Social Insurance Law in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and already a n promised the Council of Ministers and House of Representatives to provide financial cover them within the budget in 2013 and has already been awarded the retired amount of one hundred thousand dinars in the first of January of the current year Until the issuance of the new law and this was announced by the Minister of Finance). adding that if the ratification of the new pension can the Ministry of Finance to provide funds law of the supplementary budget current and issued in the second half of each year or from differences in oil prices, speculative and real. following up (I do not think government is serious about issuing a new law if it has the intention Č?ŐĎ?Ńĺ what the delay has 5 months after the approval of the State Council and forwarded to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers that have not been approved for more than 5 months), pointing out that the (financial allocations of oil and the proposed increase of the salaries of retirees found within Budget officials also said the Ministry of Finance but the delay to the Council of Ministers). from his part, member of the parliamentary Economic Committee Salman Mohsen Salman need to speed up the passage Cabinet Table Nun new retirement and is then monitored the amount of the budget).

     Salman said (time) yesterday that the (proposed new pension law a good proposal, but he did not reach the House of Representatives for the existence of the draft law in the Council of Ministers at the moment).

     He explained that (this law when passed will bring justice to the category of pensioners, but we can not speculate now amounts that can monitor his important approval to be disbursed amounts), pointing out that (the House of Representatives is trying to when approving the law that does not feel an employee who has been referred to the retirement as punishment completing more than half of his salary, which lead him to stick to the job and his unwillingness to retirement, so the new law will serve to fill a need retired throughout the entire month, providing a decent life. For his part, MP for the coalition of state law Abboud Wahid al-Issawi House of

    Representatives to ensure abundance of Finance in the budget in 2014 while passing a law new retirement to ensure its implementation. Issawi said in a statement yesterday that (the Finance Committee must take into consideration the abundance of Finance in 2014 and coordination with the government and the Ministry of Finance, especially by the inclusion of a bill new retirement in order to be approved properly and is being implemented)., he said (some political blocs in the House of Representatives used to submit proposals laws without coordinating with the government, particularly the Ministry of Finance did not guarantee financial allocation and this is what happened for the grant students as repeated error for the second year after deducting the abundance of Finance of the law, so it remained Students are hoping this grant, although there is a possibility that the disposal of the next in the tenth month).

     He called on retired across the (time) officials to expedite the approval of their law because it involves paragraphs تنصفهم and lift them out of poverty, and they said (increase on salaries is the right valuation for the years that we spent in the service and that it is the role of the government to recover our rights and enjoy a dignified life), confirming ( exposure to a great injustice is no longer able to carry more, y must be based on this file to speed up passage of the law and not procrastinate).

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