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    Iraq's oil reserves hard to rise to 153 billion barrels and 15 billion on the way

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    Iraq's oil reserves hard to rise to 153 billion barrels and 15 billion on the way Empty Iraq's oil reserves hard to rise to 153 billion barrels and 15 billion on the way

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Mar 2017, 1:38 am

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    Iraq's oil reserves hard to rise to 153 billion barrels and 15 billion on the way

     Baghdad / Zahra al-Jassem 

    It seems that the discovery of more large oil - oil inventories in recent times, has given a boost to the oil ministry in order to expand patches exploratory extending to the territorial waters, after the directives of the Minister of Oil Jabbar Luaibi recently carried out studies and seismic surveys of patches exploratory in Iraqi territory and territorial waters. 
     While confirming the Oil Ministry, in the words of its spokesman, said Iraq balance of fixed stock now 153 billion barrels, and are subject to increasing the amount of about 15 billion barrels , the beginning of next year, experts in the field of oil describe this ministry step to "correct, stressing the importance of increasing the board exploratory to include the territorial waters, the usefulness of this step is positive on the Iraqi entire economy and its repercussions. , 
    ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said in an interview (range), that studies and surveys and forecasts point to a Hyderukarboneh wealth in the territorial waters, and that Iraq will work to revitalize the activities of oil exploration techniques and mechanisms developed in order to stabilize oil reserves and gaseous, and limit the expected quantities in order to invest in the future. 
    the attention of jihad to studies that show the presence of oil wealth and gas in the territorial waters, posing Add the oil reserves, says that Iraq did not discover only a very small amount of his fortune hydrocarbon in the ground , stressing that the oil Ministry is working to intensify efforts in this regard in order to convert the reserve is the installer to installed. 
    he said Jihad , as happened in the past few days, Iraq added 10 billion barrels to proven reserves , which had 143 billion barrels, bringing the now 153 billion barrels . Explains Jihad , he has added this amount by drilling seven wells in Basra and other areas in the south, an amount may be added also have up to $ 15 billion early next year, and points out that the expectancy is up to more than three times the current balance, and that 's what makes him says: so expand exploration operations during the coming period, and the oil Ministry are working on through the formation of teams and seismic oil exploration company, will transform us expected the reserve to fixed reserves through more wells. 
    The ministry has worked at the same time, he says their spokesman, to intensify work in the marshes, where proven exploration and geological existence of large amounts of wealth hydrocarbon in this region, as well as what is in the territorial waters, which is adjacent marine areas to neighboring countries where intensify Iraq activity exploratory tally to enhance oil and gas reserves. 
    In turn , says oil expert Hamza Jeweler: With the waters in the Gulf , a small space, but it is very rich and the reason that there are near gas fields such as Ciba field, and joint field between Kuwait and Iran, and perhaps is common with Iraq , too, but we now have are not available surveys show what if this was his field extensions in Iraq. 
    He adds Jeweler in an interview (term) that Iraq is now in dire need of gas, and there are important to increase the area of exploration for its natural resources to include the territorial waters, saying: Thus, any step for the oil ministry for the promotion of these explorations is a step in the right direction. 
    And sees economic expert , Dr. Ahmed Rehn: the expansion of explorations into the territorial waters is normal, he is working with all nations to explore its territorial waters, and there are usually explorations preliminary estimate of reserves of oil and gas, and Iraq needs this process to estimate its reserves of oil and gas . 
    Confirms Rehn, speaking to the (range), the geological structure of Iraq likely to find more gas reservoirs, oil ,, and is hoped to be completed this exploration is necessary to estimate the reserves, being an order whatever is in the interest should the Iraqi economy, says that every country in the world need information what there is in the home run of natural resources such as gas, oil and other minerals, and Iraq needs sufficient information on the geology of their land and what they store, the fact that these resources enhance its economy and raise its oil reserves, also said such steps are necessary measures to complete the data for oil and gas deposits in Iraq base whether in the home or in its territorial waters. 
    The director general of the Oil Exploration Company Karim Hattab had said earlier, that the company used for the time being the latest artistic techniques in conducting seismic surveys through triangular scanning and two - dimensional systems, has carried out several actions , including in Basra and Missan, Samawa, Nasiriyah , which led to Add amounts large inventories of Alhaadrokarbone especially in Dima and Sinbad and Laredo and Fayhaa fields. 
    Only been a survey of 10% of the area of Iraq for deposits of oil and gas, with estimated reserves is installed across the country to 215 billion barrels of oil, and this is something that creates great opportunities for international investors who seek to enter the Iraqi oil and gas market through the tender announced by the Ministry of Oil rounds. 
    Iraq needs the investment of $ 15-20 billion dollars for the construction of four new refineries and the expansion of the energy sector.
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