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    It claims to pursue and prosecute «Daesh» internationally

    Admin Assist
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    It claims to pursue and prosecute «Daesh» internationally Empty It claims to pursue and prosecute «Daesh» internationally

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Mar 2017, 3:03 am

    It claims to pursue and prosecute «Daesh» internationally

    3/13/2017 0:24

    BAGHDAD / Muhannad Abdul Wahab  called for a number of MPs the government to invest the international consensus to criminalize the organization "Daesh" and the creation of an international front against the terrorist organization, especially after a new UN Security Council support for the battle to liberate Mosul waged by the security forces and the crowd popular for months against the "Daesh" urging the government to speed up the entry of the Treaty of Rome of the international Criminal Court.  It came MPs claims and their legal Iraqi executive authority to coincide with the motionless widely in international decision made by the organizations and institutions of human rights at the highest level centers, in the last week demanded a lawyer and activist in the field of defending human rights Amal Clooney government by agreeing to allow UN probe the atrocities committed by the organization "Daesh" and to hold the perpetrators to justice. Speech Clooney and Clooney said in her speech to the United Nations General Assembly as part of its quest to prosecute terrorists for their crimes in Iraq: "Why has not done anything yet." Clooney, she said, also an attorney defending women Alaesideat who managed to escape from the hands of the terrorist organization: "There are mass graves lie unprotected and without be dug up , and there are witnesses fleeing and no one terrorist in" Daesh "tried anywhere in the world for alleged international crimes. " She explained Amal Clooney Clooney, that "London has prepared a draft UN resolution to open a UN probe of the terrorist organization crimes in Iraq but they are still waiting for the necessary Baghdad 's approval of this text by referring it to the Security Council for approval , " and called on the human rights activist , Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to send a message to the Security Council, requesting an investigation into the crimes committed by the "Daesh" and Clooney addressed the UN Security Council , saying: "Do not let the organization" Daesh "Wingo genocide committed in Iraq." As the UN Security Council renewed on Friday its support for the battle to liberate Mosul from the control of "Daesh" waged by the security forces and the popular crowd for months, said Chairman of the Board representative of Britain and the United Nations, Matthew Rycroft: " The members of the Security Council continue to follow and support the Iraqi operation to liberate Mosul" . Human Rights member of the Commission on Human Rights Ashwaq dry stressed that " the Commission has prepared a prior study of each legal steps for the prosecution of individuals" Daesh "and states that support terror organization supply him with money and weapons that have killed innocent Iraqis." She explained dry in her "morning", said that "not to enter Iraq in Rome for the International Criminal Court Treaty, the last Iraqi government to sue the organization" Daesh "terrorist, as Iraq is now able to sue through the Security Council only" . She explained that " the Committee of the Iraqi government demanded that acceded to the Treaty of Rome to be able to raise international issues directly against the organization" Daesh "terrorist and prosecute elements of terrorists", and stressed that " the Human Rights Commission continues its attempts to work (international lobby) to be rendered suits directly against the "Daesh" terrorist. " Civil society as a committee considers civil society organizations by Nada Mrxwora, that " the world and all the existing countries in the international coalition against al" Daesh "terrorist standing with the Iraqi state in its war against terrorism." She said in her speech to the "morning", that "the government should accelerate to take all the legal procedures and beneath her hand to international forums and the UN Security Council" and showed that " the legislative authority of the House of Representatives is able to enact the necessary laws for the lifting of international lawsuits against "Daesh" terrorist "and called on " the government to speed up the accession to the international Criminal Court for prosecution of the organization "Daesh" terrorist. " For his part, count deputy state law Jassim Mohammed Jaafar claim lawyer Clooney Iraq filed a lawsuit against the organization "Daesh" terrorist " a good and positive step." He called in his speech for the "morning" , " the Iraqi government to bring legal actions in various international forums in order to preserve the rights of Iraqi citizens and retribution from the organization" Daesh "terrorist." And that "all nations of the world and international organizations and at different Titles criminalize" Daesh "Iraq supports the war against the terrorist organization," Jaafar called for "foreign affairs and justice ministries that Rated lawsuits even though Iraq is not a member of the Rome international treaty." Lawsuits , in turn, showed the parliamentary legal committee member of the high Nassif that "Iraq could sue" Daesh "Although not affiliated with the International Criminal Court, through litigation through a friendly country." Nassif in her "morning", that "it is possible to raise Iraq 's numerous complaints to the legal committee of the UN Security Council, but so far the government has not moved in the case , despite the presence of UN resolutions that condemned organization" Daesh "terrorist , " asking "government this investment decisions and the international consensus against the "Daesh" to raise international issues against the criminal organization. " The Chairman of the Committee on Migration parliamentary Raad Aldhlki "morning": that "it is logical that the UN Security Council supported Iraq in its war against al" Daesh "criminal, because his Iraq of serious sacrifice in the war against terrorism and on behalf of the world has had a significant impact on the undermine "Daesh" terrorist and break the spell and the reduction of moving to the world. " Among Aldhlki, that "Iraq over the harsh conditions as a result of the war on terror and to overcome strength and cohesion of the army and the synergy of the people with him, so it was incumbent on the whole world represented and other organizations and international bodies and the Security Council to support the Iraq and stand with him against terrorism , " and added, " The support the world of Iraq is a positive situation, Iraq must invest all international consensus for the lifting of international issues, especially in this time after he got the support of the security Council and other international organizations. " Aldhlki MP added, "The government should speed up the lifting of international lawsuits against the organization" Daesh "criminal prosecution for all elements who caused the killing of Iraqis and their displacement from their areas, which is entrusted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice and with the help of international organizations and the courts."

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