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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project

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    Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project  Empty Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Aug 2013, 4:12 am

    Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project

    August 8, 2013 in economic

    Baghdad: News Network Iraq - called for the Committee on the economy and investment parliamentary Central Bank of Iraq, the need to delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency after the available suitable ground and out of Iraq from Chapter VII, and its economy is expected benefits and results of salvation from the penalty of the Security Council imposed on him previously. This came on the tongue of the Commission's decision Attorney Khalil Mahma, in the presence of the members of the economy and the investment that the central bank to start a restructuring of the currency being a purely economic issue. He added MP Khalil said the Iraqi constitution between the need to change and delete currency are required by the economic situation of the country, and the public benefit, calling the parliament and the government to support the identity of the country's economic, expecting to see budgets next increase and prosperity after the entry of investment companies to Iraq, noting that Iraq is not the only country the deletion of zeros from its currency Vsbaktna countries, for example, Turkey and Lebanon has succeeded the stability of the economic situation when deleted zeros from their currency. said MP Khalil that the project to delete the zeros Old and the objections of the Central Bank and the Iraqi government demanded to wait until the provision of appropriate time and after coming out of Chapter VII each justifications and arguments over the implementation of this project., in turn, criticized member Committee Alaguetasidih the MP Abdul Hussein Abtan delay in the implementation of the said project and the survival of the zeros of the Iraqi currency and is not reasonable to have reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq and $ 76 billion to now dealing in the thousands. It is worth mentioning was the Iraqi Central Bank said in August / last August that he plans to delete the zeros from the Iraqi dinar to facilitate financial transactions carried out through cash in most cases. Among the difficulties faced by Iraq if they wanted to embark on the deletion of zeros from the dinar is pulling about 30 trillion dinars in circulation in the Iraqi market now, then get rid of them and replace them with a new currency.

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    Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project  Empty Re: Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project

    Post by Neno Thu 08 Aug 2013, 4:31 am

    Last paragraph..... let's go... ;)
    Interacting Investor
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    Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project  Empty Re: Mahma Khalil calls for central bank currency restructuring project

    Post by Screwball Thu 08 Aug 2013, 5:53 am

    Nice! Anytime brothers would be good! Lol...

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