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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central Bank: the Iraqi banking sector has made significant progress

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Central Bank: the Iraqi banking sector has made significant progress Empty Central Bank: the Iraqi banking sector has made significant progress

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Apr 2017, 11:14 am

    Central Bank: the Iraqi banking sector has made significant progress

    The governor of the Central Bank, on the Keywords, on Saturday that the Iraqi banking sector has made significant progress in its activities during the current period, while declared the President of the Association of private banks, the depositary Handal, that private banks are working hard to implement the Anti - Money Laundering Law to protect the country from the risks.
    Keywords and said in the workshop "anti - money laundering" held Babylon Hotel in central Baghdad and attended by "Economy News", "great mobility is happening today in the banking sector to develop its employees on important banking issues such as anti - money laundering and risk management," adding that "exercises Speak now evolved in a very large and aim to expand the circle of culture and knowledge of the banking employee. "
    He explained that " the Iraqi banking sector progress substantially in its activities and has become a focus domestically and internationally , " adding that " the Central Bank is working to build a sound information base through the use of information technology."
    On the other hand, head of the Association of private banks, Wadih Handal, in his speech to the Conference, " The Association of private banks are working hard to implement anti - money laundering to protect the country from the dangers faced by the law," adding that " the Association of private banks has trained about 600 bank employee in the first quarter of this year on various banking issues. "
    And that "private banks association is currently working on the development of the relationship with foreign banks in addition to the use of the world 's best technology and the application of international standards."
    He stressed Handal on " the need for financial statements issued by financial institutions with the application of international standards and under the supervision of the Central Bank."
    In the meantime, said the Union of Arab Banks adviser, Jul disco, said that "those who in the process of money laundering is trying to hide the real source of illicit funds , such as drug and human trafficking and to give a false justification for this source by any means," adding that "money laundering is a way to escape the person accused of responsibility. "

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