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    Iraqi meeting - to discuss strengthening the Kuwaiti border security

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277540
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraqi meeting - to discuss strengthening the Kuwaiti border security Empty Iraqi meeting - to discuss strengthening the Kuwaiti border security

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Apr 2017, 12:11 pm

    Iraqi meeting - to discuss strengthening the Kuwaiti border security

    History of edits:: 2017/4/24

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} held on Monday, the regular meeting between the land border security officials of Iraq and Kuwait.
    The delegation of the Iraqi side, the commander of the region and presided over the fourth Major General Peace Corner Jawad Kadhim, while the Kuwaiti delegation headed by General of the General Administration for the security of the land borders of the Ministry of Interior Major General Fouad archaeological director.
    And discussed the meeting , which was held at the Abdali border port, ways to achieve security integration between border security agencies in both countries and see the preparations for the security services for emergency situations so as to ensure the security and safety of land borders as well as the promotion of continuous coordination and cooperation in the field of land border control under the relevant security agreements Ministry of the Interior.
    They also discussed how the exchange of information and the importance of the role of communication between the two officers, also touched on the meeting to mutual visits and to discuss the security situation of mutual concern, especially with regard to border security.
    The meeting aims to follow up the implementation of the decisions of the Kuwaiti - Iraqi Joint Higher Ministerial Committee with regard to the security of the land border between the two countries , as well as bilateral coordination and strengthen the protection and border control through speed in the exchange of common information that contribute to ensuring border security, and the development of cooperation between the two countries to face any action development challenges or developments , especially under the circumstances witnessed by Almntqh.anthy

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