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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Rasheed: continue to provide small businesses for the unemployed loans

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Rasheed: continue to provide small businesses for the unemployed loans	 Empty Rasheed: continue to provide small businesses for the unemployed loans

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Apr 2017, 4:04 am

    Rasheed: continue to provide small businesses for the unemployed loans  

    Rasheed Bank, announced Wednesday, continuing to grant small projects for the unemployed loans, stressing that those loans of up to 30 million dinars maximum.

    Rasheed Bank said in a press release received "Economy News", "the bank continuing to grant micro-enterprise loans for the unemployed up to 30 million Iraqi dinars maximum, note that the term of the loan determines in accordance with the given amount of up to five years."

    And that "the ongoing bank to grant advances to employees, loans doctors, pharmacists, construction loans and loans project Basmajh residential and advances of marriage and retirees," noting that "the bank continuing to prepare studies for the expansion of services provided to the citizen".

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Rasheed: continue to provide small businesses for the unemployed loans	 Empty Rasheed amounts allocated millions for the unemployed

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Apr 2017, 7:02 am

    Rasheed amounts allocated millions for the unemployed

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News

    Rasheed Bank of Iraq confirmed, Wednesday, given the amounts of small and medium enterprises, in order to help the unemployed to open a small project to improve the economic situation and the fairness of this segment of society.

    The Director of Media Bank hopes Ghraoui for "Journal News", "the bank include instructions that the owner of the loan lease contract shop or having the goods to prove the applicant's intention to obtain a loan."

    She Ghraoui, that "the bank allocated to the Commission revealed through multiple follow-up work before and after the implementation of the project to start a project of its branches."

    He pointed out that "sometimes the customer need to expand the project Valmsrv assisted by increasing the value of the loan granted."

    It noted, that "the bank to touch a great achievement for these projects through the continued payment by the loan applicants and their commitment to pay in his time specified."

    Azzawi explained that "the bank funds are depositors funds as the Rasheed Bank, a commercial bank depends primarily on the basis of the capital depositors of money citizens who are bank customers and the money involved in investment projects bear the consequences Bank legal capacity."

    It concluded saying that "earmarked for small and medium-sized enterprises value ranging from the amount of the 2 million dinars for up to 30 million Iraqi dinars, and the amount that deserves the loan applicant shall be determined in accordance with certain controls placed the bank of which the value of salary sponsor (an employee of the Government of the permanent staffing) and the nature of the project ".

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