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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Independent: North Korea threatens to wipe America off the face of the earth

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Independent: North Korea threatens to wipe America off the face of the earth Empty The Independent: North Korea threatens to wipe America off the face of the earth

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Apr 2017, 3:19 am

    The Independent: North Korea threatens to wipe America off the face of the earth


    It revealed the newspaper " The Independent" British, North Korea threatened again to "erase" America on the face of the earth, in case Washington has threatened the capital , Pyongyang .

    The paper quoted a spokesman for the Central Committee of the Association of Kim Il - Sung Sim, saying that the destruction will be attached to the planet if the Americans and their allies launched an attack on his country .

    The Korean official threatened that Pyongyang would destroy the capital of southern Seoul, the US and Washington DC, in the case showed " a slight amount of provocation ."

    The spokesman said the central news agency run by the government , "  we fully prepared to fight and use 5 million to eliminate a nuclear bomb without mercy on the demons who are trying to push our country into a nuclear disaster .

    This comes after the threat of rising tensions on the Korean peninsula after North Korea conducted a missile test failed earlier this month, the Washington deploy THAAD anti-missile system in Korea Genoese ally in the region .

    US President Donald Trump, said in an interview with Reuters that he is likely to erupt a major conflict with North Korea in the standoff over its nuclear and missile programs, but it would prefer to end the conflict through diplomatic means .

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