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    Open a new border port for trade between Iraq and Iran

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Open a new border port for trade between Iraq and Iran Empty Open a new border port for trade between Iraq and Iran

    Post by Rocky Tue 23 May 2017, 2:26 am

    Open a new border port for trade between Iraq and Iran

    History of edits:: 2017/5/22

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} approved by the Ministry of Interior, to open a joint border port "new" between Iraq and Iran trade exchange.
    The governor of the town of Dehloran Ilam province , southwest Iran, Hussein Ali Mousavi, in a press statement that " the Iraqi Interior Ministry agreed to re - open the common border in the town of Dehloran," declaring " the start of trade exchange between Iran and Iraq through the borders {Tchilat}."
    The Iranian official stressed " the importance of this step in the context of the development goals of the border areas."
    He noted that " the town of Dehloran extends over 220 kilometers from the common border between Iran and Iraq , a distance", calling for " the employment opportunities available to the border in Dehloran in favor of economic goals desired and secure employment opportunities in the Iranian town."
    The commercial attache at the Iraqi embassy in Tehran Shaker Razak, announced on 28 April, Iran's third exporter of goods to Iraq.
    Razak said, "China occupies the first place in terms of exports to Iraq and Turkey came in second place , " noting that "Iran came in third place in terms of exports to Iraq in 2016".
    " The value of Turkey 's exports to Iraq amounted last year to $ 20 billion in Iranian exports amounted to $ 5 billion" .anthy

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