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    "Victory" threatens to kill any Turkish troops will enter into Idlib

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    "Victory" threatens to kill any Turkish troops will enter into Idlib Empty "Victory" threatens to kill any Turkish troops will enter into Idlib

    Post by Rocky Sat 08 Jul 2017, 5:59 am

    "Victory" threatens to kill any Turkish troops will enter into Idlib


    Announced the so-called "editorial board of the Levant," it would kill any Turkish troops will enter into Idlib, and confirm that the fortifications of their positions in the border areas is to repel any possible attack by the factions of the Pentagon about Idlib.
    The transfer of "Syrian reporter" site which is run by close activists of the armed factions field commander in the liberation of Sham Authority - victory earlier - threatened that the latter will kill any Turkish soldier enters Idlib, pointing out that the Commission has erected guns on the hills overlooking the Syrian border - Turkish near Bab Al-Hawa crossing north of Idlib.
    He added that leadership in the Commission "has to be noted that we do not want to control the Bab Al-Hawa crossing, because it will close as soon as our control it, and we are all the Syrian people in the province of Idlib beneficiaries of this crossing."
    On the other hand, the military commander in the "Liberation Sham Authority" Abu Zubair al-Shami said that the body Ptdasham and fortify the border areas is expected to repel any of the factions, "the Pentagon" corrupting them attack. Shami pointed out that the Commission did not approach the Central points of the band or the rest of the factions, but what the body follows fortified more than two years.
    He was surprised at Shami alert "Ahrar al-Sham" for its forces against the body, calling the movement "not to publish provocative statements by the official spokesman."
    Shami Ahrar al-Sham, down Maasmtha "revolution" also accused backwards through disabling the merger several times, and stand in the face of the unification of the arena under one command.
    The clashes between the "Front victory" and "Army of Islam" renewed in East Ghouta Damascus and killed more than 30 people for both parties, while still controlled "Front victory" on farms in Ashari area.

      Current date/time is Sun 26 Jan 2025, 3:56 am