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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism Empty Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Jul 2017, 5:52 am

    Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism

    Written by : by mohanad in:July 15, 2017In: Economic No Comments Print  E - mail
    Light News / Baghdad
    said Rafidain Bank on Saturday, that the granting of a construction loan of 50 fifty million dinars for each citizen owns a piece of residential land not less than an area (50 m 2), be through accomplished construction of part of his land and the completion of the foundation in the building stages of the land structure for him.

    The media office of the bank statement, see the "light News" on July 15, 2017, the loan is paid in three installments: the first batch of 25 million dinars, upon completion of Rabat, the second batch of 15 million dinars, upon completion of roofing, and installment third of 10 million upon delivery of the key ".

    The statement continued that "the loan is repaid in equal monthly installments and with a straight-diminishing benefits."

    The bank announced in mid-June, the granting of loans to citizens of up to 50 million dinars, for construction purposes.

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    Admin Assist
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     Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism Empty Al-Rafidain calculates delaying benefits for borrowers and lenders who have not paid their monthly i

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Jul 2017, 1:59 am

    Al-Rafidain calculates delaying benefits for borrowers and lenders who have not paid their monthly installments

    economy Since 2017-07-16 at 09:07 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    Rafidain Bank, on Sunday, to calculate the benefits of delay for borrowers and borrowers who did not pay their monthly installments.
    The bank said in a statement received by Mawazine News, "It was decided to calculate the benefits of delay for some borrowers and creditors who did not pay their installments due to their debt of loans and advances granted to them by the bank."
    The statement added that "this came to ensure the right to recover the amounts of loans and advances granted to some employees and citizens."
    He called on the bank, according to the statement, all branches in Baghdad and the provinces to "the need to continue to collect those benefits and inform the borrower in advance." Ended 29 / a 43

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    Admin Assist
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     Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism Empty Iraq demonstrates the granting of building a loan mechanism for citizens

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Jul 2017, 4:10 am

    Iraq demonstrates the granting of building a loan mechanism for citizens

    15:33 - 07/15/2017

    Rafidain Bank confirmed on Saturday that the granting of the construction of fifty million dinars for each citizen loan has a piece of residential land area of ​​not less than (50 m 2), to be achieved through the construction of part of his land and the completion of the foundation in the building stages of his land structure.

    The Information Office of the Rafidain Bank said in a statement I followed / information /, "The loan is paid in three installments, the first (25) million upon completion of Rabat, and the second (15) million upon completion of roofing, and the third (10) million when turnkey" .

    The statement added that "the loan is repaid in equal monthly installments and with a straight-diminishing benefits" .anthy / 25

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     Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism Empty Re: Rafidain separates the granting of a construction loan of 50 million dinars mechanism

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