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    Trump dismisses his chief of staff and replaces him as minister of national security

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Trump dismisses his chief of staff and replaces him as minister of national security Empty Trump dismisses his chief of staff and replaces him as minister of national security

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Jul 2017, 5:57 am

    Trump dismisses his chief of staff and replaces him as minister of national security

    US President Donald Trump on Friday dismissed White House Chief of Staff Ryns Pripos and appointed Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly instead.

    "I'm happy to let you know that I just appointed General John F. Kelly, a senior White House official," Trump said in three tweets. He is a great American. "

    "He is a great leader. John has achieved great achievements in national security and has been a real star in my administration," he said in a second tweet.

    "I want to thank Rens Pripos for his service and dedication to his country. We have achieved a lot together, and I am proud of him," he continued.

    As such, National Security Secretary Kelly's deputy, Alain Duke, is temporarily appointed until a new minister is appointed.

    The dismissal of Pripos follows media reports that spoke of sharp differences between him and the new director of communications at the White House, Anthony Scaramuchi.

    If the news is true, the dismissal of Pripos is the second caused by the appointment of Trump to Scaramuchi at the end of last week, after the resignation of White House spokesman Sean Spicer on July 21.

    On Thursday, the New Yorker magazine published a phone call between a reporter and Scaramuchi, in which the latter fiercely attacked both Pripos and Trump's top strategist, Steve Bannon, accusing the former of being one of the White House's internal news gamblers.

    The two men were the most influential decision makers in the White House.

    The appointment of Pripos, who has a big Republican party power in the Trump administration, was considered by analysts to be an attempt by the US president to maintain a line of contact with the party and to appease his leaders.

      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 11:22 am