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    Egyptian fatwa: calling for his acceptance to Afghanistan after his defeat in Iraq and Syria

    Admin Assist
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    Egyptian fatwa: calling for his acceptance to Afghanistan after his defeat in Iraq and Syria Empty Egyptian fatwa: calling for his acceptance to Afghanistan after his defeat in Iraq and Syria

    Post by Rocky Thu 03 Aug 2017, 2:50 pm

    Egyptian fatwa: calling for his acceptance to Afghanistan after his defeat in Iraq and Syria

    Arab and international Since 2017-08-03 at 16:18 (Baghdad time)

    Follow Mawazine News
    The terrorist organization has intensified its criminal attacks in Afghanistan over the past two days. It carried out a terrorist attack on the Iraqi embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul. It was followed by another bombing less than 24 hours after it targeted a Shiite mosque in western Afghanistan to kill 30 people and more than 63 others.
    The terrorist organization "Da'ash" came to Afghanistan to confirm the warnings issued by the Observatory of Fatwas and the extremist views recently and over more than one report to monitor the terrorist organization's trends during the coming period. The Ifta Observatory issued numerous warnings that the terrorist organization Da'ash intends to turn its acceptance into Afghanistan after its defeat. In the cities of Mosul, Iraq and the Syrian capital, which has already happened.
    The Ifta Observatory said in a statement issued Thursday that the terrorist organization is seeking to find new strongholds for its elements and forces to preserve the symbolism of the alleged caliphate, preserve the morale of its armed elements and find refuge for those seeking jihad and work under a religious banner. Afghanistan, especially that the organization "Dahesh" has considerable influence there in the so-called Khorasan, and the organization is recruiting fighters and expand beyond the territory of Nangarhar in northern Afghanistan.
    The Ifta Observatory pointed out that the organization of "Da'ash" terrorist seeks to expand the inclusion of fighters from Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, in addition to the presence of many sympathizers of the organization inside Pakistan to organize more bloody terrorist operations in the coming period.
    The observatory noted that the terrorist "da'ash" may also resort to the southern Philippines, being chaotic and concentrated in the Abu Sayyaf, a safe haven for extremist groups and organizations.
    The Ifta Observatory called for the need to coordinate the international efforts and the international solidarity to follow up the movements of the terrorist organization in the coming period to eradicate its cancerous terrorist roots from around the world.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 11:47 pm