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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington Post: Coordinating Council between Riyadh and Baghdad US plan to remove Iraq from Iranian

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    Washington Post: Coordinating Council between Riyadh and Baghdad US plan to remove Iraq from Iranian Empty Washington Post: Coordinating Council between Riyadh and Baghdad US plan to remove Iraq from Iranian

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Oct 2017, 2:51 pm

    Washington Post: Coordinating Council between Riyadh and Baghdad US plan to remove Iraq from Iranian hegemony
      Sunday, 22 October 2017 at 17:42 pm (739 views)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Washington Post: Coordinating Council between Riyadh and Baghdad US plan to remove Iraq from Iranian hegemony

    Baghdad / Sky Press

    The first meetings of the Saudi-Iraqi Coordinating Council began today, at a time when US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who arrived in Iraq as part of his Middle East visit at the end of the week, hopes to achieve something that has been difficult for senior American diplomats for a long time. Which would close the doors of the Arab world overlooking their neighbor Iran.

    As the United States seeks to bridge the rift between the Gulf Arab states and Qatar and resolve the civil war crisis in Yemen and Syria, Tilerson is the arm of Trump's right-wing administration in this more ambitious campaign, the Washington Post reported.

    According to the newspaper, US officials see the new alliance, which unites the ranks of Riyadh and Baghdad, as a center to counter Iran's growing influence extending from the Arabian Gulf to the Mediterranean, especially as the Iraqi government is struggling to rebuild the country, which was recently freed from the organization "Daash" A fact that has not been disputed recently.

    Although the effort to separate Iraq and Iran, and the link between Iraq and Saudi Arabia is not new, US officials are cautiously pointing to a more firm footing they believe they have seen in recent months. They hope to push improved relations between the two sides to a more advanced stage on Sunday when Tilerson participates in the inaugural meeting of the Saudi-Iraqi Coordination Committee in Riyadh.

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