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    Completion of preparation and discussion of draft law for the development of an Iraqi criminal court

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Completion of preparation and discussion of draft law for the development of an Iraqi criminal court Empty Completion of preparation and discussion of draft law for the development of an Iraqi criminal court

    Post by Rocky Fri 24 Nov 2017, 2:36 pm

    Completion of preparation and discussion of draft law for the development of an Iraqi criminal court
    November 24 2017 10:50 PM
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    [rtl][rtl]Iraq flag[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    Iraq news
    The Independent High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq (IHEC) said on Friday it had finalized and discussed a draft law to establish an Iraqi criminal court to try war crimes and genocide suspects. 

    "Iraq has international obligations relating to human rights instruments and conventions, which obliges it to criminalize all violations committed against its citizens," the Jumaili unit, a member of the commission (an official linked to parliament), told Anatolia. 

    "This can only be done through the establishment of an Iraqi criminal court to carry out these tasks," she said. 

    Al-Jumaili noted that the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) helped draft the Iraqi Criminal Court Act. 

    The court will consider crimes of genocide, war and crimes against humanity, as well as massacres in Iraq, whether by Da'ash or other armed figures and organizations, from 1 January 2014 until now. 

    Sunni political forces in Iraq, as well as local and international rights groups, accuse some Shiite militant groups involved in popular mobilization (pro-government Shiite forces) of committing abuses against Sunnis such as field executions, forced detention and torture between 2014-2016. 

    Jumaili said that the new court will be under the roof of the Supreme Judicial Council, and does not fall outside the scope of the Iraqi Penal Code in force. 

    She pointed out that the controversial thing left in the law, is the punishment to be imposed against the convicted, the United Nations with life imprisonment, while the Iraqi side with the implementation of the death penalty.

    The official said the dispute would be resolved by the Iraqi parliament soon, when the bill was presented to it, without specifying a specific date. 

    According to Iraqi and international legal and international bodies, Iraqi civilians and military personnel, especially religious minorities, were subject to serious violations, some of which reached the level of war crimes and genocide, in the areas controlled by the terrorist "Da'ash" organization in the north and west of the country. 

    Iraq regained its territory, which was controlled by the organization "Daash" in 2014, after fierce battles lasted three years with the support of the United States-led coalition.


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