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    Newspaper: Abadi office receives full investigation files on corruption in the banking sector

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    Newspaper: Abadi office receives full investigation files on corruption in the banking sector Empty Newspaper: Abadi office receives full investigation files on corruption in the banking sector

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Dec 2017, 3:49 am

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    Newspaper: Abadi office receives full investigation files on corruption in the banking sector
    In the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  December 24, 2017Comments on the newspaper: Abadi office handed over files of completed investigations on corruption in the banking sector closed 33 visits

    Baghdad / SNG

    Al-Hayat newspaper reported on Sunday that the office of Prime Minister Haider Abadi received full investigation files on corruption in the banking sector, noting that politicians, officials and contractors involved in the transfer of funds for fake contracts abroad.
    The newspaper quoted Iraqi sources as saying that "the office of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi received from high commissions of inquiry yesterday, completed files of investigations into files of corruption in the banking sector," indicating that "will take legal action against those involved."

    The Iraqi government announced the end of last November, the launch of a campaign against corruption, after the activation of the work of international investigators to this end last year.

    The sources added that "long investigations over the months, resulted in the disclosure of corruption files related to the laundering of funds through the banking sector," noting that "political figures and officials, contractors and intermediaries, involved in the transfer of funds of fake contracts to bank balances inside and outside Iraq."
    She added that "the process of detection was complex," pointing out that "the files are now in the possession of the Office of Abadi, but it is not specified so far the date of taking action against those involved."
    The sources stressed "the government's intention to hold those involved," explaining that "the international investigators helped in the pursuit of bank accounts with different names in banks outside Iraq, while citing the suspicions of misconduct of high figures despite the presence of them in a government job."
    On November 28, 2017, the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported that there were no lists so far for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's crackdown on corruption, indicating that Iraq had used the experience of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the campaign.

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