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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jordan exports goods to Iraq worth $ 14.1 million through Trebil since the beginning of 2018

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Jordan exports goods to Iraq worth $ 14.1 million through Trebil since the beginning of 2018 Empty Jordan exports goods to Iraq worth $ 14.1 million through Trebil since the beginning of 2018

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Jan 2018, 3:17 am

    Jordan exports goods to Iraq worth $ 14.1 million through Trebil since the beginning of 2018

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    The head of the committee to follow up on export issues to Iraq, Hassan al-Samadi, estimated on Monday the value of goods exported through the border crossing (Trebil), about 10 million Jordanian dinars (14.1 million dollars) from the beginning of the year until yesterday.
    "The number of customs data that has been completed since the beginning of this year is about 526 statements of goods transported by 840 trucks," Smadi said in a statement to the newspaper "Al-Ghad" (Trebil) from different sectors, the most important detergents, vegetables and fruits, in addition to plastic and iron.
    He added that "Jordanian trucks are not currently entering Iraq, but up to the border and the transfer of shipments to other trucks to ensure the transfer within the territory of Iraq," noting that "the rate of transit today for trucks up to 40 trucks a day."
    "Iraq is one of the most important trading partners of Jordan, which is the main nerve of the Jordanian industry, and enjoys the priority and priority of many Jordanian traders, importers and industrialists who prefer his market to other markets."
    Taribil crossing is the only land crossing linking the flow of commercial goods between Jordan and Iraq and closed in 2015 due to the security situation in that period, to be reopened before the movement of goods and passengers before the end of last August. 

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