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    Iran's policy talks about new results Baghdad-Kurdistan talks

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Iran's policy talks about new results Baghdad-Kurdistan talks Empty Iran's policy talks about new results Baghdad-Kurdistan talks

    Post by Rocky Fri 23 Feb 2018, 2:26 am

    Iran's policy talks about new results Baghdad-Kurdistan talks[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    Shafaq News / The Iranian Consul in Sulaymaniyah Abdullah Masoudian confirmed that the talks between Baghdad and Erbil "have gone through important stages." 
    The comments came as the agreement on lifting the ban on airports in the region approached, while Kurdish sources reported that a federal committee had submitted a report on the regulations of the Ministry of Health officials to agree to pay their salaries. 
    "The relationship between Baghdad and Erbil is improving, and we value the latter's positive position to resolve outstanding issues, and we hope to see further improvement in the future," Masoudian told a news conference. 
    He stressed that his country "will spare no effort to achieve stability," describing the dialogue between the President of the regional government, Nechirvan Barzani and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference as "positive and important, and is part of efforts to deepen relations."
    He pointed out that "the governments of Erbil and Baghdad have made important strides in some files, especially with regard to technical matters that are going well." 
    "We have heard that the ban on airports in the region will be lifted soon, and we hope to fly from Sulaymaniyah airport to Tehran." 
    A statement issued by the Iranian consulate in Erbil yesterday said that "granting visa facilities to tourists to Iran, reducing the price to 38 dollars, with the possibility to get them within half an hour, in addition to granting traders a visa for a period of 3 to 6 months. 
    He revealed the status of the Kurdish authorities in the port of Bashmakh border with Iran, "controls to regulate and facilitate transit activity, including granting special permissions for truck drivers and carts for business."

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