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    disclosure of the nature of the "military" response to Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277718
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    disclosure of the nature of the "military" response to Syria Empty disclosure of the nature of the "military" response to Syria

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 Apr 2018, 2:17 am

    disclosure of the nature of the "military" response to Syria[/size]
    disclosure of the nature of the "military" response to Syria 1-824310

     Twilight News    

     2 hours ago

    US military planners have put forward several options to implement a possible military response against Syria, including rocket strikes, such as what the United States did last year at the Syrian airfields. 
    US officials said earlier that the United States was considering a collective military response to a suspected poison gas attack in Syria, while experts included several key facilities as potential targets, Reuters reported. 
    President Donald Trump pledged a strong response on Monday, saying the decision would be taken soon after a suspected attack late on Saturday in the Syrian city of Douma, killing at least 60 people and wounding more than 100. 
    The Washington Times quoted Pentagon officials, who declined to be identified, as saying the options currently available were similar to those provided to Trump after the chemical attack last year in northern Syria.
    Washington launched a missile strike on Syria's Shaareat airport using 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles in response to a chemical attack on sarin gas on Khan Shikhun district on April 4, 2017. 
    Defense officials said that "the president may decide this time to choose more than one option, Considering that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seems to have not absorbed the last message well. " 
    Experts expect retaliation strikes, if any, to be linked to facilities linked to earlier reports of chemical weapons attacks in Syria.

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 10:20 am