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    Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

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     Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency Empty Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Nov 2013, 7:26 am

    Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency


        11/24/2013 - 14:47



        ArrowSelected.png Alsumaria News / Baghdad
     counting the Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, the current situation is "appropriate" for the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, stressing that he would announce "early" to the public when it decided to delete it. said Bank Governor Abdul-Basit Turki said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "project to delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency is not on the cards now," adding that "the current situation is not suitable for the deletion of zeros." said Turki that "the central bank will announce early to the public when it decided to delete the zeros," stressing that "the justification for continuing failure to delete the list until now. " The Committee on the economy and investment representative demanded, in (July 6, 2013), Central Bank of Iraq need to begin the process of deletion of zeros from the currency to raise the economic level, arguing that Iraq is ready for this after his release from Chapter VII. confirmed the central bank, in (April 25, 2013), that there is no intention at this time to restructure the currency and deleting three zeros from them. noteworthy that the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced that, in the (April 12, 2012), for a patient in the application of the process of deletion of zeros from the national currency, which had to be shut down procedures all relating to the operation mentioned until further notice.

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    Interacting Investor
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     Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency Empty Re: Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

    Post by mochasmom Sun 24 Nov 2013, 9:09 am

    This article is full of contradiction, Current situation is appropriate and then not, and I do not believe for one second they will announce it early
    Cain't Let Go Investor
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     Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency Empty Re: Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

    Post by kelnchp Sun 24 Nov 2013, 9:34 am

    [ltr]Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency[/ltr]

    [ltr]Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
    Counting the Iraqi Central Bank, Sunday, the current situation "inappropriate" for the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, stressing that he would announce "early" to the public when it decided to delete it. 

    The bank governor said Abdel Basset Turki said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The project to delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency is not on the cards now," adding that "the current situation is not suitable for the deletion of zeros." 

    Turki added that "the central bank will announce early to the public when it decided to delete the zeros," stressing that "the justification for continuing failure to delete the list until now." 

    The Committee on the economy and investment representative demanded, in (July 6, 2013), Central Bank of Iraq need to begin the process of deletion of zeros from the currency to raise the economic level, arguing that Iraq is ready for this after his release from Chapter VII. 

    The central bank, in the (April 25, 2013), that there is no intention at this time to restructure the currency and deleting three zeros from them. 

    The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced that, in the (April 12, 2012), wait for the application in the process of deletion of zeros from the national currency, which had to stop all procedures relating to the operation mentioned until further notice. 

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    This is how it translated for me.
    Cain't Let Go Investor
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     Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency Empty Re: Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

    Post by mbryan Sun 24 Nov 2013, 1:22 pm

    "the central bank will announce early to the public when it decided to delete the zeros," Yea rite lol
    Interacting Investor
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     Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency Empty Re: Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

    Post by fonz1951 Sun 24 Nov 2013, 1:41 pm

    to delete or not delete, that is the question. more smoke and mirrors.

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     Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency Empty Re: Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

    Post by Neno Sun 24 Nov 2013, 7:23 pm

    There's your patience wait, WHEN Turki says. The BIG KAHUNA has spoken... :)

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     Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency Empty Re: Central Bank: the envelope is not suitable for the deletion of zeros from currency

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