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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Invitation to encourage the bond market in the stock market

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Invitation to encourage the bond market in the stock market Empty Invitation to encourage the bond market in the stock market

    Post by Rocky Thu 05 Dec 2013, 3:27 am

    Invitation to encourage the bond market in the stock market

    BAGHDAD - Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb
     said an economist Haseeb Kazim said the Iraqi market for securities needs to support continuous pointing out that he represents the most important sources of financing for the money medium and long term.
     added in an interview for the "morning" notes that the banking sector has the greatest weight in market activity, both of where the number of shares traded or the trading volume at the level of the amounts traded daily, so it requires the support of the sector by supporting the value of stocks and find ways to ensure that no degradation of their, through stop even for a specific stage for the founding of Iraqi banks new, and not force it in the next stage to increase capital hopes to more than 250 billion, because it directly affects the value of the shares.
     demanded that not only shares has only but will require work to encourage the bond market as well as the second pillar after shares in the trading of securities, as well as to allow banks to issue certificates of deposit Medium and long-term, ie for a period of 5 years and 10 years issued by banks an interest rate of a certain being amortized dates of the assignment., and pointed out that banks, especially investment which is the maker of the market and has so far not been able to invest their energies in both finance important projects and strategic or in the creation of companies holds the ownership or management of those projects, as factories producing sugar, paper, cement, electrical appliances and other companies that make food, and to address the phenomenon of the invasion of the Iraqi market for goods and inferior goods.
     pointed to the need to pay attention to investment funds, which is one of the sources of funding task, which requires accelerating the issuance of appropriate legislation to take its way in the service Iraqi economy
    , stressing the support of the activation of services that can be performed by the banks as a department of investment portfolios and custodian service.
    DieHard Investor
    DieHard Investor

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    Invitation to encourage the bond market in the stock market Empty Re: Invitation to encourage the bond market in the stock market

    Post by wayoutnow Thu 05 Dec 2013, 5:05 am

    Economic law and tariff law !!!!

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