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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Fili: Trump looks at the region with Saudi and Israeli glasses and no longer needs oil

    Admin Assist
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    Fili: Trump looks at the region with Saudi and Israeli glasses and no longer needs oil  Empty Fili: Trump looks at the region with Saudi and Israeli glasses and no longer needs oil

    Post by Rocky Sat 02 Jun 2018, 2:16 am

    Fili: Trump looks at the region with Saudi and Israeli glasses and no longer needs oil 

    09:16 - 02/06/2018
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The former Iraqi ambassador to the United States, Luqman al-Fili, said on Saturday that Washington no longer needs Middle East oil and does not consider itself bound by its previous approach to protecting the interests of its allies. He noted that President Donald Trump is looking at the region with Israeli and Saudi glasses .
    "Saudi Arabia and Israel are the two major regional players who have tried to take advantage of the new ambitious and ambitious policies of the new resident of the White House (Trump)," Al-Faily said in an article. Crowds and efforts to focus on Iran as if it were the main source of instability in the region . "
    He added that "the management of Trump, more than his predecessors, sees the Middle East arena of Israeli and Saudi glasses," pointing out that "the United States does not yet need the Middle East oil and may not see itself bound by its previous approach to protect the interests of its allies ."
    "The United States does not see the countries of the region in terms of common interests, but more than anything, it sees it as a market for the sale of various American goods, " he said.
    "After September 11, 2001, if one looks at the United States from abroad, it can not ignore the fact that the United States is no longer the only pole in our world as it was in the past," he said. Against the United States of its competitors, so technology and digital war, or sharp skirmishes, will appear more frequently . "
    "The United States can not claim its monopoly on the electronic field, because its competitors are not as few or as weak as China and Russia, to name a few. On the other hand, "pointing out that" unilateral American decisions and actions make them lose their friends and allies very quickly, as in Europe. " Ending / 25 

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