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    two reports prepared the alliance of Sadr and Ameri "surprise": his goal to remove Abadi

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     two reports prepared the alliance of Sadr and Ameri "surprise": his goal to remove Abadi Empty two reports prepared the alliance of Sadr and Ameri "surprise": his goal to remove Abadi

    Post by Rocky Wed 13 Jun 2018, 3:03 am

    two reports prepared the alliance of Sadr and Ameri "surprise": his goal to remove Abadi[/size]
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     3 hours ago

    In a surprise move that may confuse the political papers in Iraq in the wake of the recent legislative elections, Shiite leaders Moqtada al-Sadr and Hadi al-Amiri announced yesterday a political alliance between their respective electoral blocs, respectively, and the Fatah Alliance.
    This development coincided with an Iranian move led by the leader of the Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards, Qasim Soleimani, on the line of "encircling the ballot box crisis", a crisis that affects the relationship between the components of " Shiite House "in particular.
    In parallel with the movements of Soleimani, who holds the status of adviser to the Iraqi government, the US ambassador to Iraq, Douglas Seleyman is also shuttles between the political blocs, according to the newspaper.
    The newspaper quoted an Iraqi politician and academic that the efforts of the Iranian general "is still so far within the framework of the Shiite house in an attempt to restore and re-arrangement after all the differences that have afflicted among the most prominent leaders."
    He added that his efforts to form the "largest bloc" in parliament "hit many obstacles."
    For its part, said the French agency in a report, that this alliance, which confused the political papers in Iraq would eliminate the hopes of outgoing Prime Minister Haider Abadi to continue to govern after the list of voters in the third place.
    After the May 12 elections, the coalition of the Sadrists, the Communists and some technocratic parties surprised everyone by leading the election results by 54 seats, while the second by 47 seats was the Fateh coalition headed by Amiri, one of the most prominent leaders of the Iranian-backed popular mobilization factions Whose support for the security forces was crucial in defeating a hasty organization. The outgoing prime minister's list came in third place with 42 seats.

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