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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament resumes its sessions today to vote and reading to several laws

    Admin Assist
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    Parliament resumes its sessions today to vote and reading to several laws  Empty Parliament resumes its sessions today to vote and reading to several laws

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 Dec 2013, 6:15 am

    Parliament resumes its sessions today to vote and reading to several laws

    17 December 2013 [Baghdad - where]

    The House resumes its sessions on Tuesday Baadanthae recess the legislative to look at the agenda of the omitted important laws that the Council had promised to approval by the rest of the final year of its current session, the most prominent of the laws of the financial budget of the Federal Oil and Gas, political parties and the Federal Court and the Unified Retirement and general amnesty and the Federal service, and others.

    A statement from the Department of Media of the Parliament received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of the "agenda of the meeting includes a vote on the proposed law on Second Amendment to the Law University Service No. [23] for the year 2008 and the vote on the draft law of the First Amendment to the Law of Antiquities and Heritage No. [55] for the year 2002 and vote on the bill Eighth Amendment to the Law on the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. [40] of 1988. "

    "It will also include the agenda, the first reading of the proposed law on the delegation of authority and the second reading of the draft law on ratification of agreement on the encouragement and protection of investment between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of Armenia and the second reading of the draft law Martyrs Foundation and the second reading of the draft law Iraqi Academy of Science."

    And warned political blocs of delay in approving the financial budget of the state in 2014 for not sent by the Cabinet to parliament as Minister of Planning Ali Shukri, said last week that "the Council of Ministers will examine the observations which I have on the draft federal budget law and that the Council would send the bill to parliament after study these observations. "

    The process of approving the budget bill faces every year difficulties of passing in the House of Representatives, and the balance in 2013 has been delayed approval of more than two months, has been approved by the House of Representatives on March 7 last year, the center of the province of Representatives Kurds, after weeks of delay because of disagreements several come dues on top of the foreign companies operating in the region.

    The representative of the religious authority in Karbala, Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai called during Friday prayers sermon prior to "keep the political pressure on the budget and the election campaign," noting that "there are blocks trying to exploit the budget legislation in electoral issues."

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    DieHard Investor
    DieHard Investor

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    Parliament resumes its sessions today to vote and reading to several laws  Empty Re: Parliament resumes its sessions today to vote and reading to several laws

    Post by wayoutnow Tue 17 Dec 2013, 8:23 am

    Come on boys I know you can over come !!!!!! What would Jesus do. ???

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