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    Habhab to "Economy News": trade relations between Beirut and Baghdad affected by the political and

    Admin Assist
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     Habhab to "Economy News": trade relations between Beirut and Baghdad affected by the political and  Empty Habhab to "Economy News": trade relations between Beirut and Baghdad affected by the political and

    Post by Rocky Thu 05 Jul 2018, 3:45 am

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    2018/07/05 09:03

    (Encyclopedia of this day , news | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ) -

    Economy News Baghdad

    The Lebanese ambassador to Iraq, Ali Habhab, on Thursday, the impact of trade relations between Beirut and Baghdad, political and security conditions, pointing to the volume of trade exchange between the two countries in the past 25 years to nearly 4 billion dollars annually.

    "The trade relations between Lebanon and Iraq were affected by the political and security situation, especially the Syrian crisis, because the line of communication between them was affected by the oil pipeline, Kirkuk, Tripoli, and impacted," he said in an interview with the Economic News. The movement of food products from the Lebanese coast to Iraq and vice versa, but we aspire to reactivate bilateral relations. "

    He added that "the volume of trade exchange reached its figures during the past 25 years to nearly 4 billion dollars annually," pointing out that "many Lebanese companies have a desire to enter the Iraqi market through international exhibitions organized by Iraq, there are more than 10 companies working in the field of printing and pharmaceutical fields And others. "

    He pointed out that the number of Lebanese banks operating in Iraq reached 11 banks, noting that they "wanted to be branches of the Lebanese banks in Iraq, but they were established according to the Iraqi banking system, which is supervised by the Central Bank as local financial institutions that adopt the confusion between the private and fast policy of the mother bank And between the paragraphs in the system of financial institutions of Iraq.

    Note: The content that is entitled (Habhab of "Economy News": trade relations between Beirut and Baghdad affected by the political and security conditions, but we aspire to return) Posted first on the site (economy News) and does not bear the encyclopedia of this news day content in any way. 
    You can see the details of this address (Habhab to "Economy News": trade relations between Beirut and Baghdad affected by the political and security conditions, but we aspire to return) through the original source of any location (the economy News).

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