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    Regions denies deportation law demarcation of the border to the next session

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Regions denies deportation law demarcation of the border to the next session Empty Regions denies deportation law demarcation of the border to the next session

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 Dec 2013, 4:18 am

    Regions denies deportation law demarcation of the border to the next session

    12/29/2013 08:26

    Denied to the Committee of the Regions and the provinces deportation law demarcation of the border to the next parliamentary session, saying that the law has been submitted to the Presidency to be included on the agenda of the Council in the hope of legislation during the remaining period of the life of Parliament, while he expressed the Kurdistan Alliance was surprised at the news deportation of this law, blaming Some political blocs responsibility for delaying a number of important laws. was President Jalal Talabani, introduced in October of 2011, a bill to Parliament for re-demarcation of the administrative boundaries of the provinces.provides bill demarcation of the border between the provinces need to be returned to the provinces and limits to be placed before the rule of the Baath party regime of the country. Chairman of the Committee of the Regions and the provinces Mohammed Kayani stressed that the law of the demarcation of the border did not go to the next parliamentary session, has raised this law to the Presidency for inclusion on the agenda of the Council, denied that there is intention to deport him. said Kayani in an interview for " morning, "said Law demarcation is important in maintaining the stability and security of Iraq, calling on the government to approve it and return areas to their rightful owners, especially since a large part of which has been exploited by terrorists," saying that the law on the presidency has been studied in the committees of provinces and legal , and sent to the House of Representatives for inclusion on the agenda. deputy accused, foreign agendas seeking to undermine the unity of Iraq, and is working to instability, through the non-enactment of this law, pointing out that they are trying to keep the disputed areas as drawn by the former regime, which turning many of them into dens of terrorism. between Kayani that this law could be passed during the current legislative session, particularly if there real intention by the political blocs, indicating that the remaining time of Omar Parliament enough to be asked this law, discuss and vote on it. so , expressed surprise at the Kurdistan Alliance MP Mohsen al-Sadoun of the decision to deport the law of the demarcation of the border between the provinces to the parliamentary session ahead, stressing that some of the political blocs did not deal professionally in the discussion of the law of the demarcation of the border between the provinces. Sadoun said in an interview for "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," " We Astgrbena of deportation law to the parliamentary session ahead despite the insistence of the Kurdistan Alliance, the need for the legislation during the current session. "said Saadoun that "the Electoral Commission in dire need for such a law, as it can not proceed with the elections districts, counties without the correct border Administration of the provinces. " said the parliamentarian: that the bill subjected to political outbidding and ignored clear of some parliamentary blocs.

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