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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy: Abdul Mahdi asked the political blocs to nominate four names for each ministry

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Deputy: Abdul Mahdi asked the political blocs to nominate four names for each ministry Empty Deputy: Abdul Mahdi asked the political blocs to nominate four names for each ministry

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 Oct 2018, 2:47 am

    Deputy: Abdul Mahdi asked the political blocs to nominate four names for each ministry

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    Revealed a deputy of the coalition, "reform and reconstruction," Friday, that the Prime Minister-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi asked the political forces to provide four candidates for each block for each ministerial portfolio, while excluded that the mechanism of nomination of ministers to the next government on the subject points, To rely on "competence, experience, testimony and competence". 

    " Abdul-Mahdi will be able to resolve his Cabinet and submit it to the House of Representatives for a vote in a short time will not exceed the month," said the deputy in the bloc of "Biyarek Al-Khair" Al-Amara in an interview for Alsumaria News. " It will include competent personalities and technocrats working to provide Services to the people ".

    The emirate explained that " Iraq after the end of a page is waiting for a large building page correctly and will not be achieved without attention to economic and service aspects of the basic grade ," asserting that they are "strong factors to build the country a true building." 

    The emirate added that "there is information we have not fully confirmed that Abdul Mahdi asked the political forces to nominate each one of them four candidates for each ministerial portfolio and left the option of liquidation among those names after reviewing the curriculum vitae," pointing out that "objections and rejection will be Present but will not affect the process of forming a government that will be put during the next sessions of the House of Representatives to vote. " 

    The emirate pointed out that "

    The President of the Republic Barham Saleh Adel Abdul Mahdi on Tuesday October 2, 2018 to form the next government.

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