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    External pressure on Abdul Mahdi to complete the cabinet cab

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    External pressure on Abdul Mahdi to complete the cabinet cab Empty External pressure on Abdul Mahdi to complete the cabinet cab

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Nov 2018, 2:29 am

    External pressure on Abdul Mahdi to complete the cabinet cab
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    BAGHDAD / The MP of the Mass Surun Burhan al-Mamouri criticized on Thursday the external pressure exerted on Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi to complete the cabinet cabaret, while stressing the continuation of the reconstruction and reform coalition with his reform project to save the country.
    Al-Maamouri said in a statement that "the coalition of reform, reconstruction and construction gave Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi absolute freedom in the selection of his cabinet," noting that "some parties that raised the slogan of government reform and pledged to overcome the quota and provide the public interest refrained from it."
    He added that "the coalition of reform and reconstruction is going through the reform project and it emphasizes the selection of ministers with experience and efficiency away from the party," noting that "the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr wants to remove the ministries of defense and the interior of the political consensus, and the selection of personalities have a real experience in the field of security and military "He said.
    "Al-Maamouri said that" Sadr wants to provide the interest of the homeland to narrow interests, a popular demand is not different by two, "pointing out that" the entire Iraqi street wrapped around Sadr and fully supportive and even calls what he demands. "
    "We have no personal hostility with Interior Minister Faleh al-Fayyad and we have all the respect and respect, but we want to apply the professional criteria to choose the candidates for the security ministries," he said, warning of the regional and international external influences on the prime minister and political blocs. "He said.
    Al-Mamouri said that "the Iraqi people will criticize the House of Representatives if it gives confidence to a minister accused of corruption or covered by accountability and justice or false testimony," calling on the Prime Minister to "send biographies of the candidates of the remaining ministries 48 hours before submission to avoid the impasse signed by the House of Representatives In the vote on the 14 ministers in the past. "
    He pointed out that "there are competent and professional figures in the ministries of defense and interior and there are officers with high security and military capabilities who have waged terrorism and were able to win it." He criticized "the regional and international interventions and pressures on the prime minister to pass certain names to fill the defense and interior portfolios."
    He said Mamouri that " the formation of the current government came by between coalitions of reform and reconstruction and construction, pointing out that" most of the members of the House of Representatives support the choice of prime minister in complete freedom ministerial his booth. " Finished 1

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