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    Compete with international banks

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
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    Compete with international banks Empty Compete with international banks

    Post by Rocky Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:05 am

    Compete with international banks

    1/2/2014 0:00

    BAGHDAD - morning
    said President of the Association of private banks in Iraq, Adnan Chalabi banking sector will be a competitor for global banks that mean the local market.
    added Chalabi, in an interview for the (morning) that the international banks that have opened branches in Iraq working in the best technology global banking, pointing to the The Association is aware of the reality of entering banks global banking to the country and the requirements of the next phase of efforts to gain access to our products banking to the same level provided by international banks in the country.
    adding that private banks were able to raise their capital and now has money high require investment in projects boost local economies .
    mention the last period saw the entry of international banks into the country, most recently the British Standard Chartered Bank, as well as other global banks on its way to enter the country.

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