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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    An important agreement between the center and the region

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An important agreement between the center and the region Empty An important agreement between the center and the region

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 May 2019, 2:35 pm


    An important agreement between the center and the region

    [rtl]History of edits:: 2019/5/8 14:21 • 425 times readable[/rtl]
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    (Baghdad: Al-Furat News) The Minister of Commerce, Mohammad Hashim al-Ani, that the issue of "import and export licenses" was concluded with the Economic Commission in the Kurdistan region, during the meeting held between the parties, on Wednesday.
    Al-Ani said during a press conference that "the meeting of the Economic Commission in the Kurdistan region, which was on a broad level, discussed all issues, in addition to outstanding issues with the Federal Ministry of Commerce." 
    He added that "the delegation was composed of general managers of the region, was supposed to attend the Minister of Trade and Industry in the region, but did not attend because of a difficult health condition, and attended the general managers, and discussed our discussions import licenses to branches of companies of the Ministry of Commerce in the region.
    He continued: "We reached satisfactory results, and the issue of import and export licenses between the federal government and the territorial government was resolved, and we agreed to sign a record, and the General Company for Iraqi Exhibitions now signed with the official in charge of this subject in the Directorate General of Trade in the Territory," pointing out that " This record will complement the decision No. 13 of 2019 issued by the Council of Ministers on the unification of procedures between the federal government and the territorial government, and thus we have covered almost all the decision. 
    "We have solved the obstacles and problems that have emerged at a very good time. We have not had any problems with the region, because our language is the language of understanding and we hope that things will be done in the right way," he said.
    "We have an export support fund, which is based on a federal government law. They are part of the federal government. The territorial government is part of the federal government. We agreed to open an account in the region to the export support fund. We differed and agreed on almost all points. " 
    He went on saying: "I ask the media and the press to be put right, there are no problems and lack of ration, and the distribution of vocabulary according to the program theme by the Ministry and we have no defect in this subject." 
    "We have distributed two portions of sugar and oil for this year, two portions of rice and three servings of flour, and this is the ministry's program, which the citizen has known, we have no defect in it," he said.
    He pointed out that "according to the allocations allocated according to the budget, the quotas ration card and ration card items are according to the budget, if the budget allocated a high amount of the number of months more, and if the amounts allocated less, the number of months of processing. 
    It is noteworthy that a delegation from the Ministry of Commerce in the Kurdistan region met in Baghdad with the Federal Ministry of Commerce, on Wednesday, with the aim of standardizing procedures for granting import and export licenses and a range of other issues. 
    The meeting today as one of the results of a joint meeting between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, held on April 28 in Erbil, during which the parties agreed to work on the implementation of actions that are in the public interest of Iraq and the Kurdistan region and work to resolve outstanding issues.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An important agreement between the center and the region Empty The Minister of Oil: Very soon we sign the project of southern Iraq integrated

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 May 2019, 2:37 pm


    The Minister of Oil: Very soon we sign the project of southern Iraq integrated

    [rtl]Release date: • [rtl]2019/5/8 13:28[/rtl] • 603 times prescribed[/rtl]
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    (Reuters) - Oil Minister Thamer Ghadhban said on Wednesday he expected his ministry to sign a preliminary agreement with ExxonMobil and PetroChina of China "very soon," but gave no exact date.
    "We were able to take a step towards resolving some of the outstanding issues in the deal," Ghadhban said during an oil ministry event. 
    "Once the talks are over, the initial agreement will be examined by a ministerial energy committee before being referred to the cabinet for ratification," he said. 
    The Council of Ministers voted yesterday on the project of southern Iraq integrated, where he briefed the Council of Ministers on the ongoing negotiations between the Ministry of Oil and the companies ExxonMobil US and PetroChinaChina on this project. 
    "Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, in his weekly press conference yesterday that" (Yesterday) to support the negotiations of the Ministry of Electricity with Exxon Mobil and Petrojina in the draft package one, which is a huge project in terms of pumping sea water to the oil fields and everything related to oil extraction and production and export, which provides great employment opportunities, and refers to the situation that progresses Where Iraq ".

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