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    Basra apply a new system for signing economic projects on government contracts

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Basra apply a new system for signing economic projects on government contracts Empty Basra apply a new system for signing economic projects on government contracts

    Post by Rocky Fri 27 Jun 2014, 6:20 am

    Basra apply a new system for signing economic projects on government contracts


    Basra apply a new system for signing economic projects on government contracts

    Brother - Ahmed Shehab

    Established the Office of the province of Basra conference induction standard tender documents for public works contracts.

    In collaboration with the project administrative reform (thread) and the presence of many businessmen said the governor of Basra Majed Nasraoui during a press statement received Agency for News News (et) a copy of it, "There are a number of administrative problems were in the way the administration of the province have worked since we receive the service responsibility of Basra to develop radical solutions appropriate scientific manner thoughtful manner not personal interpretations and individual plans. "

    He Nasraoui "The province of Basra applied system standard documents are considered conservative in Iraq in the first use of this technique global sober, noting that the province has conducted many adjustments in project management and referral to cut the road in front of administrative and financial corruption."

    The governor explained to the audience the way in which the local government intends to follow in project management and implementation of the plan, which intends to develop a mechanism of action of the resident engineer, noting that the province as much interest in bringing the expertise of international companies interested in discreet also supported by local businessmen and local companies discreet.

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