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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Tamimi: America seeks to use Iraq as a weapon to fight China economically

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    Al-Tamimi: America seeks to use Iraq as a weapon to fight China economically Empty Al-Tamimi: America seeks to use Iraq as a weapon to fight China economically

    Post by Rocky Mon 20 Apr 2020, 1:38 am

    Al-Tamimi: America seeks to use Iraq as a weapon to fight China economically

    08:59 - 20/04/2020

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    Information / private
    , the economic expert Wissam Al-Tamimi said, on Monday, that the American side is seeking to acquire Iraqi investment projects with the aim of fighting China economically, pointing out that the success of the American conspiracy or not depends on the decisions of the new government and the extent of its inclination to China and America.
    Al-Tamimi said in a statement to "Information", that "the American-Saudi game to control and dump oil markets aims to overturn the global economy and dominate the prices of oil exchanges."
    He added that "China is America's first enemy in the economic field, and the agreements concluded by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] with the Chinese side represent a challenge to America, which [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is its first field of investment , and therefore it will try to use [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] as a weapon against China and will press the new government to end this agreement."
    And that "the coming days will clear many of the government’s milestones, as Washington awaits its formation in order to start its new political projects, the most important of which is control over investment projects, especially since America lost a lot of money during the outbreak of the Corona virus, and may use methods of intimidation and intimidation to reduce the number of Chinese projects." In [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] if you cannot cancel the agreement between the two countries. 25 n ended

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    Interacting Investor
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    Al-Tamimi: America seeks to use Iraq as a weapon to fight China economically Empty Re: Al-Tamimi: America seeks to use Iraq as a weapon to fight China economically

    Post by weslin3 Mon 20 Apr 2020, 6:33 am

    An interesting article and very timely... I thought it was Russia/Saudi that dumped the oil prices, not US/Saudi.

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