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    An economist reveals: Kurdistan gets double its revenues from unofficial outlets

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An economist reveals: Kurdistan gets double its revenues from unofficial outlets Empty An economist reveals: Kurdistan gets double its revenues from unofficial outlets

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 Mar 2021, 8:15 am

    An economist reveals: Kurdistan gets double its revenues from unofficial outlets
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    The economic expert, Ihssan Al-Kinani, said, Thursday, that the Kurdistan region receives all of its revenues from unofficial outlets, pointing out that the region has become dependent on those outlets as they are not included in the state's accounts .
    Al-Kinani said that "a lot of goods, especially those prohibited from import, enter Kurdistan through the unofficial border outlets, where large sums are collected in exchange for the entry of those goods, commodities and foodstuffs ."
    He added that "Kurdistan's demands for more money within the budget is an inappropriate demand, especially since the region gets a budget from Baghdad and another from its outlets, and its smuggled oil is outside the controls ."
    Al-Kinani explained, "There is silence and lack of accountability regarding the increase in informal border crossings in the region, as the central government has not put its hand on those outlets, which allows the region to enter all goods with high taxes through those ports."
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