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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    State law rejects the dollar exchange rate in the budget

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272698
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    State law rejects the dollar exchange rate in the budget Empty State law rejects the dollar exchange rate in the budget

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 Mar 2021, 8:30 am

    [size=36][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/size]

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    The representative of the Parliamentary State of Law Bloc in the Finance Committee, MP Abd al-Hadi al-Saadawi, expressed, on Saturday (March 27, 2021), his rejection of the dollar exchange rate in the budget, while calling for the exchange rate to be returned to the previous one.
    In a statement followed by IQNEWS , Al-Saadawi said  , "This morning, the Finance Committee held a meeting at the Al-Rasheed Hotel, in which the ministers of finance, planning, oil, electricity and labor, the minister of commerce, housing and the minister of state participated with the advanced cadres of the ministry," indicating that "the meeting discussed the federal budget law." We submitted our objection to the exchange rate, because the devaluation of the dinar caused confusion in the street and the high prices that the citizen would bear for us, who is expecting him to be fair and supportive. "
    Al-Saadawi stressed "his rejection of the current price of the dollar set by the government," calling "at the same time the Finance Committee to return the price as it was previously, and to consider the citizen with a human eye, as he is the first victim of the high prices."
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