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    The National Investment Commission: Canceling licenses for investment projects is an important step

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    The National Investment Commission: Canceling licenses for investment projects is an important step  Empty The National Investment Commission: Canceling licenses for investment projects is an important step

    Post by Rocky Thu 22 Apr 2021, 7:49 am

    The National Investment Commission: Canceling licenses for investment projects is an important step that has positive and tangible economic repercussions

    •  Time: 04/22/2021 08:18:32
    •  Read: 2,769 times

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    {Baghdad: Al Furat News} I promised the head of the National Investment Commission, Suha Al-Najjar, to direct the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, the judge, to cancel all permits for investment projects whose completion rate ranges between (0-35%) and the time period available for their implementation has expired. An important decision, indicated The directive, which will cancel 1,128 investment licenses, will return to the state about 400,000 dunams, with an estimated value of 90 trillion dinars.
    Al-Mukhtasar al-Mufid .. In important news, you can find it on the Al Furat News channel on the Telegram .. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Al-Najjar said in a press interview, "The cancellation of investment licenses for lagging projects will provide the state with financial resources as a result of the issues arising from these projects, such as customs exemptions on building materials and the characteristics of entry of large numbers of foreign workers in addition to ending the control of investors of projects lagging on state-owned land."
    She added, "The directives are an important step that has positive and tangible economic repercussions, indicating that it will end customs exemptions that affect the local industry, which will contribute to restarting local factories and attracting Iraqi manpower, as well as limiting the granting of entry features for foreign workers that affect the creation of opportunities." For local employment. "
    Al-Najjar emphasized that "the directives will contribute to improving and developing the investment work, by returning those previously transferred lands and putting them up again to implement real projects that are tangible on the ground."
    The head of the National Investment Commission stated that "20 thousand housing units in the Basmayah complex proposed by the commission aim to reduce the effects of the housing crisis in the country," indicating that "reducing prices and reducing the interest rate, and facilitating facilities in the payment process, were the most prominent measures taken by the commission in presenting these." The units, and the Commission confirms that the Commission will proceed to address the housing problem that the country suffers from.
    In addition, the Authority’s President announced, in a statement, the launch of the electronic portal for applying for an investment license through the official website of the National Investment Commission ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] starting from yesterday, Wednesday.
    Al-Najjar explained that "the portal provides the investor with a number of advantages after establishing his own electronic account, including submitting applications electronically and attaching all the required documents with the ability to follow-up and see the position of the application by him in case he is accepted or rejected with the reasons or in the event that he is in the process of studying to In addition to adding the authorized information about the concerned investment entity. "
    The head of the authority added that "the trend came within the framework of the authority's serious endeavor to reduce the red tape and bureaucratic procedures that often accompany the application process and to reduce the possibility of the investor being exposed to any form of intentional delay or extortion, which would contribute to creating an attractive investment environment."
    Hussein Hatem
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