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    Electricity responds to the accusations of the provinces and reveals what will happen in June

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    Electricity responds to the accusations of the provinces and reveals what will happen in June Empty Electricity responds to the accusations of the provinces and reveals what will happen in June

    Post by Rocky Mon May 17, 2021 7:48 am

    Electricity responds to the accusations of the provinces and reveals what will happen in June

    •  Time: 05/17/2021 14:06:20
    •  Read: 2,340 times

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    {Local: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Electricity accused the governorates of "exceeding their prescribed quotas" of electric power with the increase in demand for it due to the high temperatures.
    Al-Mukhtasar al-Mufid .. In important news, you can find it on the Al Furat News channel on the Telegram .. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    A spokesman for the ministry, Ahmed Al-Abadi, told {Al-Furat News}, that "the lack of commitment of local governments to the governorates and the energy quotas assigned to them is one of the reasons that led to the decline in operating hours in certain sections of the regions and governorates of Iraq."
    "Apart from that, we have governorates that witness stability in power operation, and we are working daily to resolve bottlenecks in the network," he added, stressing that "business is alert, ongoing and not stopped."
    The governor of Najaf and the governorate’s representatives in Parliament announced last Saturday that a lawsuit would be filed against the Minister of Electricity, in addition to his job, for "deliberate prejudice against the Najaf quota."
    Al-Abadi indicated that the ministry "issued its letter that it will be ready at the beginning of next June to prepare acceptable hours of electricity supply for citizens, but our condition in this plan is the targeted production and work to break the bottlenecks and provide the acceptable hours to restart the release of gas supplied by the Iranian side to continue work in the production stations."
    And "until now we repeat the repercussions of the gas releases supplied to the production plants, and we are heading to the barrier of 70 million cubic meters of gas, and for the daily payment is about 19 million cubic meters, that is, a loss of 50 million cubic meters of gas, which will lose the system by about 5 thousand megawatts and stop some generating units in Stations (Jerusalem, Rumaila, Sadr, and Mansouriya). "
    A spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity confirmed that "the Iranian side's failure to resume releases of gas greatly affected the volume of the targeted production of the ministry."
    And he said, "We presented a set of proposals regarding debts and were waiting for a response to them, but until now we are waiting, and therefore we went with a greater horizon and according to government powers, through which we are looking with the Ministry of Oil to provide alternative fuel to operate the stations, and now we are waiting for the original or alternative releases of fuel to operate our stations to keep pace with the demand.
    It is noteworthy that Iraq is witnessing a blazing summer in the last two decades, when temperatures exceed 50 m, which sometimes forces the government to suspend official working hours, fearing for the safety of citizens and employees.
    Amid this atmosphere, the population suffers from a severe shortage of electric power supplies with an increase in demand for it amid a chronic problem in its lack of availability, despite spending tens of billions of dollars due to delayed projects or waste of public money and corruption, which drives people to demonstrate every year against the lack of electricity.
    The government is seeking to fill the shortage through electrical interconnection projects with neighboring countries and, more recently, with the Gulf states, but it is not sufficient to increase domestic consumption and energy losses, with the deterioration of distribution networks and bypasses.
    Forgiveness Al-Khalidi
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