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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economist: Iraq is late in using renewable energy and has commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement

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    Economist: Iraq is late in using renewable energy and has commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement Empty Economist: Iraq is late in using renewable energy and has commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement

    Post by Rocky Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:18 am

    Economist: Iraq is late in using renewable energy and has commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement

    •  Time: 09/15/2021 16:32:17
    •  Reading: 676 times

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    {Economic: Al Furat News} The economist, Basem Jamil Antoine, counted Iraq as "late" by using renewable energy.
    The useful summary.. In important news, you can find it in the Euphrates News channel on the telegram.. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Antoine confirmed {to Al-Furat News} that: "Iraq will not be able to catch up with the countries that seek to move towards clean and renewable energy.
    He attributed the reasons for this to:" these countries have worked for a long period of time on clean energy.
    " And Antoine added that: "Iraq is considered late because it So far, it depends on gas, oil, and capstone wealth, and that despite the actual need for time, it is necessary to go towards this energy seriously, especially after Iraq entered the Paris Climate Agreement for the year 2015 and signed pledges to reduce the volume of pollution and gases.” And
     Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar announced, On Iraq's reliance on a strategy to adopt clean energy by investing in gas and producing renewable energy.
    Last August, under the patronage of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, an agreement of principles was signed between the Ministry of Electricity and the Chinese Power China Company, regarding the establishment of solar power plants with a capacity of 2000 megawatts, to be implemented with a capacity of 750 megawatts as a first stage, up to a capacity of 2000 megawatts.
    As a government source confirmed, {to Furat News} the start of practical steps to adopt clean energy with contracts that will increase 7,000 megawatts for electrical production. 

    From: Raghad Daham / Tah: Wafaa Al-Fatlawy
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