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    Economic Analyst: Iraq is witnessing an economic war aimed at reducing its oil exports

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    Economic Analyst: Iraq is witnessing an economic war aimed at reducing its oil exports Empty Economic Analyst: Iraq is witnessing an economic war aimed at reducing its oil exports

    Post by Rocky Sat 26 Jul 2014, 6:01 pm

    Economic Analyst: Iraq is witnessing an economic war aimed at reducing its oil exports


    He said economic analyst Majid picture, on Monday, said that Iraq is witnessing an economic war waged, intended to reduce its oil exports, while the regions of Iraq is divided into four areas, including what is subject to the central government and the other for Daash addition to the cities of Kurdistan and the other troubled security due to military operations and this requires solutions radical problem.

    And shows the picture of the channel KNN that the war in Iraq has shifted from terrorism, armed to the terror of armed economist powered by states push Iraq toward reducing its oil exports in OPEC, indicating that the control Daash the Nineveh province, caused shocked global international powers, where oil prices rose to $ 116 a barrel.

    And indicates the picture that Iraq has to raise its production to around 2.7 million barrels per day from fields in Basra and Maysan in order to reduce the shortfall in exports due to the events in Nineveh and Salahuddin, stressing Iraq's intention to raise its production to 3.4 million barrels per day by the end of this year.

    It is noteworthy economic analyst that Iraq will spend a lot of his money to the military and security at the expense of other sectors because of the exceptional circumstances that passes by, pointing out that Daash to Atstvid many sold to Iraq's oil, because it is supported from abroad, in addition to its dependence on oil and gas Syrian more as it control its grip on areas of Syria over Iraq.

    It is said that the general budget of the country for the year 2014 did not acknowledge until now because of the political dispute in the previous parliamentary session, prompting deputies to postpone the current parliament to appoint a busy three presidencies.

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