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    House of Representatives vote on the Budget Committee temporary

    Admin Assist
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    House of Representatives vote on the Budget Committee temporary Empty House of Representatives vote on the Budget Committee temporary

    Post by Rocky Thu 31 Jul 2014, 6:30 am

    House of Representatives vote on the Budget Committee temporary

    Published on Friday, July 31, 2014 07:36 Written by: Sheikh Salem

     BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - said a member of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Najeebeh Najib, the House of Representatives will vote at a meeting next Tuesday to members of the Interim Committee, which will re-examine the draft federal budget and make adjustments to speed up and pass it as soon as possible.


    She said Najib's (IMN) that "the Committee will be headed by First Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Haider Abadi and second deputy Aram Sheikh Mohammed and the membership of representatives of all the political blocs that they are of specialists and financial committee will re-examine the draft federal budget and paragraphs disputed that caused not approve project by the former House of Representatives. "

    Najib explained that "the political consensus needed for the success of their work, especially in some of the paragraphs of the project," pointing out that "the Commission has not placed a time limit for the completion of its work."

    The failure of the former House of Representatives approving a federal budget because of political differences on many of the paragraphs of the budget, including the allocation of the Kurdistan region.

    And caused the delay in approving the draft federal budget to stop hundreds of projects implemented in the provinces in addition to the non-implementation of the reconstruction plans prepared for the current year by the provinces.

    From: Haider al-Tamimi, Edit: Laith Mohammed Reza, n: Lm

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