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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A Deputy Opens The File Of Zebari's Corruption And Directs Two Books To Integrity And The Presidency

    Admin Assist
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    A Deputy Opens The File Of Zebari's Corruption And Directs Two Books To Integrity And The Presidency Empty A Deputy Opens The File Of Zebari's Corruption And Directs Two Books To Integrity And The Presidency

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Jan 2022, 6:46 am

    [size=38]A Deputy Opens The File Of Zebari's Corruption And Directs Two Books To Integrity And The Presidency Of Parliament
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    LAST UPDATE 01/29/2022 | 11:44 AM
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    On Saturday, Representative Alia Nassif called on members of the House of Representatives to abide by the oath they swore and not to nominate a person who was previously dismissed on corruption charges for the position of President of the Republic, while Representative Nassif sent two official letters to the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the Integrity Commission in this regard.
    Nassif said in a statement that she received "The Information", a copy of it, that "all deputies must abide by the oath they swore and adhere to the moral, national and legal principles before the Iraqi people, and not to choose a President of the Republic who was questioned in Parliament because of the existence of clear corruption and evidence before all members of the Council, and it was Vote unanimously on his dismissal and refer his files to the judiciary.
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    She added, "Corruption does not fall within the statute of limitations, as some think, and the nomination of a person dismissed for corruption for the position of President of the Republic is an insult to the Iraqi state and a disregard for the law and the legislative authority responsible for legislating the laws applied by the judiciary."
    Nassif sent two official letters to the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the Integrity Commission in this regard.
    In the first book, it states: “Based on Law No. 8 of 2012 (Law of Provisions for Candidacy for the Post of President of the Republic) and on the basis of Article One, Paragraph Three (with a good reputation and political experience, and who are known for their integrity, uprightness, justice and loyalty to the homeland), and based on Article (61) The seventh paragraph of the Constitution, under which he was questioned by Mr. Hoshyar Zebari and was dismissed in the House of Representatives and had been dismissed in the House of Representatives and was referred to the integrity body. Cases for causing waste of public money in the Ministry of Finance, Foreign Affairs and Defense, and it is possible to refer to the minutes of the inclusion committees, and thus the third condition of Article First of Law No. (President) of the Republic, Law No. 8, has been lost.
    The letter addressed to the Chairman of the Integrity Commission stated, “We hope to inform us of the number of cases referred to the Integrity Commission against the candidate Hoshyar Zebari, which resulted in his questioning in the House of Representatives, and to inform us of the number of cases covered by the amnesty and which include the damage done to the state by Hoshyar Zebari. . finished/25
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    A Deputy Opens The File Of Zebari's Corruption And Directs Two Books To Integrity And The Presidency Empty Re: A Deputy Opens The File Of Zebari's Corruption And Directs Two Books To Integrity And The Presidency

    Post by chouchou Sun 30 Jan 2022, 4:38 am

    Good on her. Time for the corruption to stop

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 4:55 pm